( epigraph )

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VAMPIRE EMPIRE (♱) rick grimes
epigraph — ( unspecified timeline )
trope: enemies to lovers.

WILL GRAHAMis hannibal in love with me?

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is hannibal in love with me?

could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and
find nourishment in the very sight of you? yes.
but do you ache for him?

(♱) NOTE ... !
i want to make a few warnings about this fic since it will treat some dark themes, yk the usual with twd fanfics.
also, this book will modify the original timeline for the adjustment of the plot.
for example, the savior era will last a lot longer than in the series and so will the war.
i really hope you like this and please forgive me for any mistakes, english isn't my first language.

VAMPIRE EMPIRE ♱ twdWhere stories live. Discover now