Chapter 22

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Izuku charges at the unnamed culprit, ready to cut him down. He brings his blades up to go for a strike when the person holds their hands up. Izuku is taken aback by this and stops in his tracks. "Alright, old man, I say we stop this prank before some brats get hurt."

Immediately after hearing that, Torino lifts his head up in annoyance as his cover is blown. "Damn it brat you couldn't let me have this for a few more minutes." He gets up and wipes the dust and food bits off his clothes. "I wanted to scare the brats for a bit longer."

The man shrugs as he steps into the light a bit more that comes from the still open door. It was a tall man who looked to be in his late thirty's. His hair was black and reached down to his shoulders and framed his face. He wore a black, long sleeve muscle shirt that showed off his muscles. Finally, he wore gray camo sweatpants and padded Feiyue shoes (martial arts shoes).

"I don't feel like entertaining some rage fueled brat. Rule one kid, control your emotions. Anger and ego are the two worst things to have in a fight if you can't control them." He points down, and when Izuku looks at the floor, the man slowly steps on his side of one of the floor boards, and it lifts up slowly till it reaches Izuku chin. "You know nothing of the environment around you but pick a fight as if it's a standard area. Be prepared for anything and everything. You never know what the enemy has planned."

"Nobody gives a shit about your unneeded advice! Who the fuck are you!?" Bakugou pushes past Izuku yelling at the man who simply presses down on the floor board once again with more force making it hit Katauki in the family jewels. Katsuki silently screams in pain before going fetal position, holding his sack.

"It's sad that he was the one to ask me that first. But to answer the question, Ayato Mokushi, or if any of you remember me from over 60 years ago, the shadow hero Phantom." Izuku is surprised as they chose the same hero name. "That's right, kid. You have some big shoes to fill. Yo, old man, im gonna be taking these two for a bit. You can have your family reunion later." Before Torino could retort, or the kids respond, Kagane grabs the two by the shoulder, and a black sphere encloses on them before dispersing, leaving an empty space where the three once were.

Torino growled a bit but sighed. "Damn brat. Couldn't even let me get a quick talk in with my grandson. Oh well, now then, before we get started on your training..." He fixes his gaze at the two teens that were still in the building in front of him. His gaze pierces through them, sending a shiver down their spine. It was plain as day that he was not happy. "Let's have a little talk about some things I have heard."





A black dome is formed, and once it dispersed, the two teens were left confused on two things. How he did that and where they were. They look around and see that they are in an open plain. A large grassy field is seen formed in a nice circle with trees and flowers along the edges as the natural barrier around them. It looked like they were in the eye of a forest. Izuku even noticed the lack of insects, even though a place like this would be swarming with them. Kiara noticed how the air was cleaner here, untainted by the world outside.

"This is my personal training ground. It's secluded, so you can do whatever you want and no one will notice. A barrier was formed around it, so nothing can be sensed once you step in regardless of how much Shakti you use."

The two teens were left confused. "What do you mean by Shakti?" Ayato sighed before pinching his nose in annoyance. "Don't tell me you have no idea what you're using." Kiara crossed her arms. "We just called it Lost Arts. It's what we were told it was. I'm guessing you have a better understanding of it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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