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Alright so before we start this chapter I just want to say sorry if the last chapter (specifically the quirk assessment part) seemed a bit rushed. It wasn't my favorite part of the series but i had to put it in. So yeah sorry. Anyways, on with the chapter.

It's later in the day and everyone has gone home. Izuku,Momo,and Tsu on the other hand were outside going on a date. They just left the Aizawa household and are just getging ready to head out.

Momo:"So Izu what are we doing today?" She asked with excitement.

Tsu just looked at Izuku with her blank stare but her eyes said she was excited as well.

Izuku:"Well I got us some tickets to that movie you both have been wanting to see which starts in an hour. So we could go to a restaurant and get something to eat before hand. Then after the movie we could go for a little shopping. How does that sound?" He said with a smile.

Both Momo and Tsu had wide eyes as all they could think about was how much that was gonna cost. Momo may be rich,but she knew that money was not something to just throw around.

Tsu:"Well that sounds fun and all but how can you afford all of that? Does Mr. Aizawa make that much where you can just spend so much? She asks in concern thinking he might be paying too much on them.

Izuku just smiles and fishes out his phone from his pocket. He opens up the youtube app and shows them his account and who he is.

Izuku:"I have my ways. No need to worry about a thing." He says with a smirk.

Momo and Tsu just look at him in confusion before just looking at his phone and seeing who he is.

Momo&Tsu:"YOUR UZUKI?! HOW?!" They both yell in unison.

Izuku:"It was about a year ago. I was bored one day and just decided to make some music. I thought it was pretty good and was thinking of making more. What I didnt know at the time was that my mom was home and she recorded it  posted it on Youtube. It became a hit and she showed me how much everyone loved it. From them on I just made music and put it on Youtube." He said with a sheepish smile.

Uzuki is Izuku's account on youtube he made. He didn't make it originally for his music but after the first video he just kept it going. Uzuki became a hit and he became one of the best music producers on youtube. With the fame he managed to make a high amount of revenue from his videos and made a bank account to hold it all. He donates a portion of it to charities for quirkless kids hoping to make a difference among other things. No one knew about it except his mom and dad mainly so he didnt spend the money on useless stuff he didn't need.

Izuku:"Now that you know I can pay for whatever you want and need, can we start our date?" He asked getting a quick nod from the two girls.

So off they went to their first destination. They went to a local restaurant that was pretty cheap but had good quality food. They had a good time and talked about how everything is gonna be at U.A and their future as heroes. They even came up with some hero names.

After they finished eating, Izuku payed for the food and they left. They then took a trip on the train and headed for the movies. Once there they were just in time as the movie was just about to start. They all took a seat and enjoyed the movie. Momo and Tsu both rested their heads on each of Izuku's shoulders with him giving them each a kiss on the top of their heads.

Once the movie was finished they all went to the mall for a bit of shopping. The girls didn't buy much. Momo because she has most of the things in these stores and Tsu cuz she doesn't need much. None the less they enjoyed themselves and by the time they realised it the sun was going down. They start to head to Izuku's house where Momo's ride would be. She wanted to spend more time with Izuku and Tsu so she wanted to be picked up there. They walked in a comfortable silence to the house.

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