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Like i said in the last chapter this will be the start of my rise to greatness. So lets begin from my fourth birthday. I'll let the author do the talking from now on(A/N: it's about damn time).

One morning in Mustafu Japan we see two little kids waking up. Both of them still a little drowsy from just awakening from their slumber. But as soon as they look at their calender and noticing what day it is that feeling is immediately gone, being replaced by pure joy and excitement. They look at at eachother and both give one another a big smile both thinking the same thing. 'It's the day we find out what our quirks are!!!'

These two children are named Izuku Yagi and Izumi Yagi. Izuku is a small boy with dark green hair and shining emerald green eyes. Where as Izumi is a small girl with bright blonde hair and green eyes that are slightly duller than her brother's but still give off that blinding light whenever she smiles. The two rush out of their beds and make a mad dash for their parents room to wake them up for the day. Once they get to their parent's room they are about to open them when all of a sudden the door is opened up by their father who has a smile on his face as he already knew when they would get up and come to their room.

His name is Toshinori Yagi. He is a tall man with golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes that just give off a feeling a sense of comfort and warmth. He expected to see both of them at the door about to open the door. What he didnt expect was for Izumi to still be slightly behind and still running to the door not noticing her dad already at the door waiting. To which she runs straight into him and Izuku knocking them both onto the floor.

They look at eachother for a second before laughing at what happened. Their laughter was enough to wake up the mother of the house. With forest green hair and eyes to match, this tall beauty is named Inko Yagi. She looks at her family and smiles lovingly knowing how much love is in this house (A/N: no lie I felt sad when I wrote this sentence due to what's going to happen later).

Inko:"Dont you know how early it is, you know you shouldn't be rough housing this early in the morning." She says in a scolding yet joking manner.

Toshi: "Sorry sweety i wasnt expecting Izumi to just blitz right into me like that."

Izumi: "Sorry mommy, sorry daddy. Me and Izu are just so excited to see the doctor and find out what our quirks are."

Izuku: "Yeah, we want a quirk so that we can be a hero like All Might. Saving people with a smile and making everyone feel safe." He says with immeasurable excitement.

Inko mearly sighs and just gives a small smile to everyone. She gets out of bed and heads to the pile of people she calls her family. She stands over all of them with her hands on her hips as she just shakes her head. No one is worried over this as they knew she isnt the type for violence,when she's not angered that is.

Inko:"Ok everyone I already made an appointment for the quirk doctor today. I want everyone to go freshen up and get dressed while i make breakfast, then you guys can go and see the doctor."

Toshi: "Dont worry about breakfast I'll make it. Also i know your more excited to know what their quirks are than I am, so you can go with them if you want."

Inko: "Are you sure Toshi? Didn't you want to see the doctor with them."

Toshi: "It's alright, besides i can get some cleaning done while I'm here, it is my day to clean anyway so it's the perfect opportunity to do so."

Inko: "Alright then, if you say so. Ok you two go get ready."

Izuku&Izumi:"Ok mommy"

The twins get up and go get dressed and ready for the doctor with a smile on their faces as they head to the bathroom to do their usual morning routine. As the two are doing that Inko and Toshinori have a small conversation.

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