Chapter 7 Trials of Tir Na Nog

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As left in a ship from the northern port of Reichland heading for Tir Na Nog during which As wonders what Tir Na Nog would be like while hoping he learns something new while having fun just like he did in Peloponnsa and Reichland. It would two days since Ash left Reichland and Ash would seeing Tir Na Nog in the distance with the three pokeom getting excited just like Ash arrived in Reichland all be it cautious but for Tir Na Nog he doesn't have to be too cautious, Ash and his pokemon would land in Tir Na Hog's largest port city then as Ash gets onto the docks he would talk to the dock master requesting a map of Tir Na Nog at first the dock master was hesitant while being a bit untrusting of Ash but after seeing the three pokemon with him and see three crest bonds on Ash the dock master realizes who Ash is and decides to grant his request which Ash thanks dock master who is called Shames. Ash would then leave Tir Na Nog port city for it capital in the Center of the region, while head to the capital city Ash would encounter Tir Na Nog version of team savage and would find three injured pokemon that team savage have captured and caged, seeing caged pokemon Ash would fight team savage who were being lead by a man called Luchar, Ash with the help of his pokemon managed to defeat team savage and would throw them into the same cage that injured pokemon were held in, Ash along with his pokemon would carry the injured pokemon to the capital of Tir Na Nog along with the caged team savage members. As Ash and his pokemon arrive at the capital they would be halted by the guards who questioned who he was to which Ash would show the team savage members to the guards which would surprise them which would lead them to realize that the person in front of them is the outsider who has who spent the last four years training for the four gate tournament, the guards would let Ash pass because he did capture some members of the Tir Na Nog tram savage which means Ash is trust worth. As enters the city with the people staring at him wondering who Ash was at first but then after seeing a Battletaur,  Vemonthropy and Vampiria they soon realize that Ash was the outsider they have heard about over the last four years training to ready himself for the four gate tournament, the people would realize the reason why Ash had come to Tir Na Nog to find at teacher. Ash would soon meet Danu, Lir, Morrigan, Ecne, Fand, Neit and Midir thanks to the guard escorted him into the city. Ash would introduce himself to the individuals before him, at first they were distrust with him but once they learn that Ash had capture some members of team savage and would then learn that Ash had fought team savage over the last four years which would lead to Danu, Lir, Morrigan, Ecne, Fand, Neit and Midir would hear Ash's reason for coming to Tir Na Nog, Ash would explain that after traveling the world for a long time and after four of training in Peloponnsa and Reichland he knows that he still has much to learn and despite everything he has endured he believes that he is not such if he is strong enough to defeat Leonidas and Brunhilda while also believing that he is not sure if he is worth of the training he received. After hearing Ash reason for coming to Tir Na Nog as well as Ash being humbly honest about himself which would be enough for Danu to decide to train Ash. The next day Ash would begin his train under Danu, Ash's first lesson was learning to see one weapon as an extension one self to which Ash would answer using some examples like a shield as extra layer of skin, armour like a secondary layer of muscles, a helmet a second head and the bow and arrow an extension of ones site. Danu would say that he gave good examples then would give two examples of sword is a long pointed arm and the spear/lance a long sharp leg. The lessons Danu would the teach how to use different weapons and some martial arts, while Ash is on his breaks he would check on the three pokemon he had saved from team savage  then learning the pokemon he save are called Gybuid, Viricore, Griffipress, at first the three pokemon would be distrustful of Ash but with help from Battletaur, Vemonthropy and Vampiria would help Gybuid, Viricore, Griffipress them back to full health, as time passed Gybuid, Viricore, Griffipress began to trust him and would begin to be amazed after seeing his training because Gybuid, Viricore, Griffipress could see the energy of humans and pokemon, the three would also see that Ash had much potential which would lead then to make a crest bond with Ash, Gybuid, Viricore, Griffipress which would lead to Ash arms would get marks in the form of vines which from Gybuid combined with clouds from Griffipress and the mark from Viricore would appear on the palm of his hands, fingers and knuckles which would appear as gloves. After making crest bonds with Gybuid, Viricore, Griffipress. Danu would intensify Ash's training, after almost two months training everyone would be impressed with Ash because he was now equivalent of a top student, Danu would now ask Ash to go into the Tir Na Nog wild to to harness his rest bond abilities and harness them he does after what seem like years but in fact Ash would return just as winter was beginning to set in. When Ash returned his hair reached just blow his shoulders and as he enters the city everyone would notice that Ash had a stronger resolve in his eyes. Ash appear before Danu ready to show her how much he has learned, Ash and Danu would spar with Ash being defeated but would give Danu quite a spar showing a smile on her face but would pointed out the reason he lost their sparring match it was because he wasn't using his lethal strike ability to which he explained that he hasn't fully master lethal strike as such Ash would be so hesitant because he didn't want to kill anyone by mistake, after hearing Ash explanation Danu and her students understood Ash reason for hold back and would now help him better control lethal strike. As Ash's time in Tir Na Nog was coming to an end by that point Ash had spend his time not simply doing combat training he would learn various other skills in literacy, repair skills, some cooking skills, a few artistic skills and learn proper etiquette being a grand duke after fighting in Tir Na Nog's version of the Battle Chateau. Ash would grow in just strength but in character, examples of Ash's change in character was he became more mature, Ash would develop mannerisms and Ash would become smarter. One final part of Ash's training was he had to forge his own armour and weapon, Ash would get to work on forging his armour and weapon which Ash decide would create a hybrid of a lance, spear and halberd which take a whole week to complete both weapon and armour which was due to the fact Ash worked for days barely eating with little sleep but despite that Ash managed forge his weapon and armour. After forging his armour Ash would do some tinkering on his armours gauntlets, some examples of Ash tinkering his gauntlets was a cross bow shield on one of the arms, Ash would instal an grappling hock in the other gauntlet with a wide variety of uses which Ash would show in the tournament. Spring had arrive now marking only two years left until the four gate tournament would begin with Ash packing to depart, as Ash packs for his departure the people of the capital city would ask him are you sure you have to leave to which Ash states that he has learned as much as he could in Tir Na Nog now he would spend the final two years in Midgardis, Ash would ride Griffipress as a mount with Battletaur riding behind him while  Gybuid would ride on Viricore with Vemonthropy ride behind him and Vampiria because she had wings was going to fly by herself. As Ash says goodbye he and his pokemon would take off flying towards the rise sun. After hearing the story of Ash's time in Tir Na Nog and how much it has changed and for the better would amaze his old friends and family, Ash and the others spend the night partying during which Ash would ask Serena to dance which make Serena blush in surprised but would accept, the two would spend the rest of the party dance together while everyone would do the same with their respective dance partners, as the party ends Ash would escort Serena to her room then saying I enjoyed the party but he found more enjoyable thanks to Serena which made Serena blush even more. The next morning Ash his old friends and family would leave Tir Na Nog and travel to the location Ash's final match which would be held in Midgardis.

The video at the top is for Ash's travel from Reichland to Tir Na Nog, the second video is for Ash's martial arts training with Danu, the third video is for Ash's crest bond training in the wild execpt the last thirty second, the forth video is for Ash's return from the wilds, fifth is for Ash's departure from Tir Na Nog, the sixth video is for Ash forging his armour and weapon and the finally video is for the dance theme for the party celebrating Ash's victory.

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