Chapter 22 A New Beginning/Passing the Torch (Epilogue)

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The night after the armistice Ash would make a call to all the champions of the regions and would make them an offer which would interest them then contacting the elite four of those respective region and gym leaders Ash knows and had battle in the past. A few days later Ash would make an announcement to the whole world while standing the Danelaw arena. After taking their seats in the arena wonder what Ash's announcement was about and they would soon find out. After waiting for a few minutes Ash would enter the arena ground wearing what looks like a new military uniform but did look like any standard or dress uniform but soon they will learn what the uniform is for. Ash would begin speaking by first thanking everyone for making today then would state after fighting in the war for the last two years I have gain a hatred for war which is what lead me to resign from the military after the armistice but it's thanks to the war I now have a new goal in life. Ash would then state my old dream was to become a pokemon master but now my new goal my new mission is to be the world's first master guardian which would surprise Ash's old friends and family, Ash would then present champions of every region which includes Lorien wearing the same uniform Ash is currently is wear. Ash would then make a speech on the reason behind Ash's new mission. Ash's speech would on how Lorien his ancestors, four pillars of the past/present and the four arena masters past/present had protected the peace of human and pokemon of their home regions for generations,Ash would then state if generations of people are willing to delicate their lives to protecting everything they hold dear how could I/we dare to do less which why I have formed a new group in order to create peace throughout the regions which is the reason why I ask these people these pokemon marshalls to help create a future were peace endures were neither humans nor pokemon has to suffer from a war like the one where some many people suffered over last two years. Ash would now ask the people in the crowd to join the pokemon marshalls so future generations of humans and pokemon can live in peace. After Ash ended his speech one by one people would stand up the begin clapping and cheering to Ash's speech which means there is going a good amount of recruits for the pokemon marshall. Later that night would be a big night for Ash and Serena because it was their wedding night. Two years ago Ash would make a promise to Serena that if he survived to the end of the war he would gladly marry her to which Serena agrees. The next morning would be the beginning of a day for everyone. Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis would now become open to all regions, pokemon battles of Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis would popular in the others regions and to make sure the safety of the trainer and pokemon are maintained the age limits for the trainers is sixteen and up. There would be a joint research projects with scientist from every region with the three main projects are trying to see how many pokemon can reach the fourth stage humanoid evolution, to see if how many pokemon would gain the ability to speak verbally and the third project was being lead by the scientist Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis would help the other regions create their own arc crystal generators. The pokemon marshalls would begin their recruitment and as for Ash and Serena would begin their new lives as husband and wife after having an intimate evening. Many years would pass with Serena being the Kalos queen spent years bring smiles to everyones face while Ash would become the first grand marshall and would continue to create and maintain the peace. Over the years people commented that Ash and Serena are quite a power couple while also being one of the most if not the most popular couple in the world and are ofter used as an example of true love even more so when their special treasure came along nine years ago. Ash wakes up one morning Ash wakes to a new day which was going to be a nice day, as Ash readies to enjoy his day off while wonder were Yuna is to which Mr. Mime would explain she is training, after thank Mr. Mime Ash would find Yuna doing sword practice on a training course. As Ash watches Yuna train while gives her advice while practicing her sword skills then after a few minutes Ash would ask Yuna to stop which she does then asking Ash to flip to which Ash would give her the option which she does then removing her blindfold covering her eyes. After removing her blindfold Yuna would getting conformation that it was her father who was giving her advice. Ash would then his daughter did she do her homework from yesterday to which she answers it was a tad boring to which Ash got annoyed that his daughter skip her homework then giving her advice if your tutor finds out that you been skipping your homework they would give something that would make homework a fun activity. After hear her father's advice Yuna would make sure to finish her homework before doing anything else then Ash would then ask his daughter come along because they were going to meet up with Yuna's tutor, Yuna's mother Serena and some Yuna's other teachers who have been waiting for Ash and Yuna. As Ash and Yuna meet up with the other with Lorien who is Yuna's tutor and god father would ask Yuna if she did her homework from last night to which it was boring which annoy Lorien a little, Lorien would then explain about the importance of homework like the military tactics Yuna was studying last night then Yuna would then surprise Lorien by explain the best way to win battle correct is gather all necessary intelligence about the opponents movements, military strength and amount of supplies they have then stating an example would be to night raid when enemy is a sleep while being stealthy as possible. Lorien after hearing Yuna's answer would say so you did do the homework then state you could have told me then being interrupted Yuna but you were all asleep to which Ash would ask since you finished the homework you could have left a note to which Yuna states a true fighter must know how, where and when to trick their opponent to which Ash says you learned well but you should be careful when using that tactic especially when your opponent is someone like Lorien. Ash would explain to his daughter that her final exam is today while also explain tomorrow is an important day just like today, Ash would explain that today is Yuna's last day as a nine year old girl. After hear what her father what hear father said then realize tomorrow is tenth birthday and the day Yuna would become a pokemon trainer which would have the motivation to pass her final exam. As Yuna leave to practice for her final exam Ash would give one more piece of advice once you finish your exam you should think about what she wants to do with her life. After passing the exam Yuna would spend the rest of the day think about what father said about her fathers advice then remember her history lessons which would include her parents history especially her father. Yuna would learn about the battles her father such as during the Sinnoh league when her father Sceptile defeated Tobias Darkrai then taking down Tobias Latios even though Ash lost, she would then see her father bond with his Greninja and how to lead to Ash being the runner up in the Kalos league, Yuna would also learn about her father became the first champion of Alola then defeat leon the strongest champion of the coronation series. Yuna would also learn of her fathers encounters with legendary pokemon of the various regions and finally learn of how her fathers journey in Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis had changed him like how his combat training strengthen his body, mind and soul, then learn after the death of his friend Erik would change what her father truly valued then seeing how her had changed after killing Liloviatar notice that her father would never will forget killing Liloviatar and finally seeing her father near death experience during the long dark boarder war then seeing her father kill Rasputin in order to save her mother, Yuna would see the hard choice her father made after the trial of Rasputin's inner circle and their accomplices and the sentence they would receive which was the firing squad with the last three people to face the firing squad who were Jesse, James and Meowth but just before their execution, Ash would say to the three he gave them many chances to change themselves but they wasted them as such it's very fitting that he and Stormer(Ash's Pikachu) would being their executioners. After Ash Stormer(Ash's Pikachu) executed the trio Ash order the dead bodies to be burned believing they do deserve to have a burial then as Ash walked away the from the burning pile of dead bodies he would feel dizzy then nearly collapsed due to never ordered an execution before but Ash would never forget this and would choice to live with. Final part of Yuna's father's that she would be the day he formed the pokemon marshall while hearing the speech her father gave would move Yuna. Later that night at dinner while Yuna and her parents are eating Yuna would then speak up which would get her parents attention then would ask their daughter about what her announcement. Yuna would explain that she wants to bring smiles to all humans and pokemon while protecting the peace so all humans and pokemon so they can smile while living in peace. After hearing their daughters new goal Ash would approach his daughter then place his hands on his daughters shoulder then would smile then would speak saying that is a worth while goal to purse, he would then say I will support as much as you want which Serena would say the same thing. Just as three were going to turn in for the night both Ash and Serena would tell their daughter no what you choice, what path you walk or were may go we will always love. The two would tell their daughter to get some sleep so you don't become late to receive your first pokemon then would say goodnight to their daughter. The next morning Yuna would wake up early while cooking some breakfast before her parents woke up, both Ash and Serena would wake up then make her way to the dining room but as the two sit down Yuna would place breakfast on the table then would leave so she wouldn't run late getting her first pokemon which Ash would take as sudo mockery but was glad that his daughter better then her father in some ways. Yuna would arrive at location where she would get her first pokemon where she would meet professor Reichard Pine head researcher of Danelaw, as Yuna arrive she noticed that a group people who were also came to receive their first pokemon. Despite waking up early Yuna would be the last to get her pokemon, Yuna would professor Pine if there is any pokemon left to which he answer there is one pokemon although the pokemon has been hanging around for a while now and hasn't gotten a partner to which Yuna asks why the pokemon hasn't found a partner which she would learn from a female voice then turning towards the direction of the voice then opening her eyes in amazement seeing the voice came from which was a Vampiria. Yuna would introduced herself as Yuna Ketchum, the Vampiria who is called Yue would realize that Yuna is the grand marshall and the Kalos queen daughter, Vampiria(Yue) would wonder if Yuna was worthy of being her battle partner. Yuna realize the reason why Vampiria(Yue) hadn't found a battle partner was because Vampiria(Yue) was look for the right battle partner which Yuna to ask Vampiria(Yue) how do want me to prove myself. After hearing Yuna's question which     Vampiria(Yue) would answer fight me in a duel I wish to see if what you are capable. Ash and Serena would soon arrive to meet their daughter first pokemon then seeing a large group of ten year old children have receive their first pokemon think that despite waking up early she may lost her chance to get her first pokemon but then the two would notice their daughter coming out with a Vampiria that looked familiar then seeing both their daughter and the Vampiria were readying themselves for a duel which would get the attention of the other people. The people gathered around Yuna and Vampiria(Yue) to see their duel. Both Yuna and Vampiria(Yue) would ready themselves to fight. The two fighters would then charge towards each other then clashing with their fists, the duel Yuna and Vampiria(Yue) is a martial art duel with  Vampiria(Yue) had a few advantage over Yuna such as height, experience and ability but Yuna would give  Vampiria(Yue) a decent fight all the while the other ten year old trainers watch the match while making many comments about Yuna such as calling her a spoiled brat or simply the grand marshall and Kalos queen's daughter then suddenly Yuna's parent who heard the comment that were directed to their daughter would speak to them about their comments about their daughter to which the children apologized then Ash and Serena would explain while Yuna has some of her mothers appearance and her fathers spirit but would be different such as the fact Yuna is smart then her father when he was her age, she is dedicated learning while improving her skills, a fast learner and has a kind heart. As their duel continue Yuna would begin losing stamina even though she had been training in combat for five years but Yuna wasn't surprised after all she was fighting an opponent who has been around for many years but Yuna wasn't willing to give up which Vampiria(Yue) would see the fire in Yuna's eyes. After the duel  Vampiria(Yue) decided the Yuna is someone worth bonding with, Yuna would then introduce  Vampiria(Yue) to her parents then once they learn that Vampiria(Yue) is Vampiria(Flora's) older sister who hadn't seen each other for a long time after having a falling out which Yuna suspect but now had confirmation. After both Vampiria(Yue) and Vampiria(Flora's) meet up again after so long would make amends then Vampiria(Yue) would make a crest bond with Yuna. After getting the supplies need to begin her journey Yuna would explain to her parents that she will begin her journey in her fathers home region of Kanto then travel through the other regions her father traveled through ending with Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis. After hear their daughter plan both Ash and Serena would hug their daughter saying their proud of her then just before Yuna would give their daughter his old cap he wore during his journey while Serena would give her the ribbon Ash gave during their Kalos journey so Yuna would feel like her parents are with, Yuna would then board the ship bound for Kanto. The ship would then depart with Yuna waving to her parent with Ash and Serena waving to their daughter wishing her luck on her journey. This now marks the end of Ash's journey that has come full circle and had now passed the torch on to the next generation which would lead by Yuna Ketchum.

The video at the top is for the introduction of the first generation pokemon marshalls combined with the speech from the second video while the third video is for Ash and Serena wishing their daughter luck as she departs for her journey.  

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