2 | passion turned chore

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"Yess~! I got higher than average!"

Jisung who is standing beside me is being noisy again, his voice forcing me to cover my left ear.

Today, we took the CSAT and I got one of the highest scores.

Top five.

Well, that would've mattered if I was going to college—hehe, but I'm not. Taeyeon was fine with me skipping that but then tempted me by saying if I get lost in the process of being a webtoon artist, using that CSAT score would be the best solution.

I mean, she's damn right about that.

"You even topped that girl from that shitty prestigious school!" Jisung laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "I'm even surprised lazy-ass Jaejae got a high score."

Immediately after mentioning him, we turned in unison to look at Jaehyun. He kept a calm face while staring at the results on his phone. However, I could tell he was stunned to find out he took the 19th place.

Suddenly, Jisung snapped out of his thoughts and turned to face us, causing me to flinch.

"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! I can't believe I pulled that off!!!"

I held my chest after almost being startled to death and punched him on the shoulder, "Of course, you did, dumbass. If you weren't so addicted to games, I bet you would've considered trying for Harvard."

Jisung raised a finger, his voice savvy, "Jeongjeong, we technically can't call him a dumbass anymore."

"...Oh, damn—You're right."

Realizing what Jisung had said, Jaehyun's mouth turned into a smirk. I love him, but that smirk makes me almost want to punch him again... but in the face.

After taking pictures of our results on the huge bulletin board, we exited the university (where the results were posted), walked to the nearest bus shelter, and sat there for a while.

"Hmm, should we go to that new cat cafe in our area?"

My eyes lit up, "Should we?"

Jisung tucked his hands into his hoodie's pockets and snickered, "Jeongjeong really wants to go there. Did you forget that you have a deadline to meet tomorrow?"

"I hate you."

I glared at Jisung and huffed, which caused these two to make more fun of me.

Yes, please continue... I'm going to pretend tripping myself, push you guys into a puddle in the midst of it once we get off the bus, and blame it on my "lack of sleep".

Of course, those were only my intrusive thoughts.

These game-addicted bullies are no match for a straight-A student like me~

As soon as they finished making fun of me, there was only silence between us while we waited for the bus to arrive. Unusually, it was taking really really long and the sun was still up.

Well, we heard some of the passersby talking about the traffic jam nearby.

Thinking about this, I absentmindedly looked up at the sky and noticed the dark clouds coming in.

It started raining hard.

"Man, did you guys bring an umbrella?"

Jisung groaned, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of catching a fever again.

He just recovered yesterday.

I shrugged, "It was scorching hot earlier. I didn't think about it."

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