10 | stupid dense MCs

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Minjeong stared at the history textbook in front of her and pretended to furrow her brows in frustration. Even though she already knew what Yizhuo had been explaining to her, she still had to pretend to suck at history to avoid suspicions.

"Everything is happening so fast..."

"Is that a complaint?"

"Ah, no, sorry."

As Yizhuo glanced at her with a raised brow, Minjeong maintained her pretense and apologized with a stoic smile. Yizhuo continued tutoring her, going over all the topics from Minjeong's failed activities, quizzes, and exams.

While Minjeong felt bored and sleepy as hell, witnessing Yizhuo's seriousness before her eyes kept her wide awake. In the original storyline, Yizhuo wouldn't stray from her surface personality around strangers like Minjeong; she would maintain her playful, cheerful self.

Hmm... she did slip out yesterday in the hallway...

Unconsciously dozing off as she was thinking about why Yizhuo let her see that side of her, Minjeong suddenly felt a soft flick on her forehead, flinched, and sat up properly. 

Yizhuo looked up from the countless papers on the desk and frowned, "Kim, you need to focus and remember what happened between 1700 and 1800 if you want to make progress."

"Right, sorry."

Thanks to Yizhuo's strictness, Minjeong managed to pull through hell and dropped her head on the table the second they finished. Yizhuo didn't want to admit it, but seeing the latter's tired reaction as she worked hard caused her to crack a smile—they made no progress, and Minjeong really sucked.

At least, that's what Minjeong made her believe.

"Good job. At least you tried."

[ 5% ]

Huh... Yizhuo does like people who work diligently.

Yizhuo said with her usual cheerful smile and packed all of her things inside her bag. Like the cute and thoughtful person she is, the latter gave Minjeong a pack of gummy bears as a farewell before making her way toward the exit to go to her extra classes.

Watching Yizhuo walk away, Minjeong released a long sigh of relief. She was glad that in this school, every Friday would mean a free school day. However, they are still required to attend school and one class until 5:30 p.m. for attendance.

With that out of the way, Minjeong turned to lay on her cheek and stared through the window beside her. It was then, that a warm morning sun shone on her face, causing her to close her eyes and enjoy the peaceful sensation.

After racking her brains out for five hours, pretending to suck at a subject she actually loves, it felt nice to finally relax like this.

Minjeong was on the verge of falling asleep and closed her eyes for a minute when she suddenly felt a hand shadowing her face from the warmth.

It took her a few seconds to realize what was happening before she opened her eyes and saw Jimin—her hand raised in mid-air, shielding her from the sunlight.

Since she was too sleepy to think straight, Minjeong just couldn't believe who was sitting beside her. She only stared back at the Jimin who looked at her in a daze as if she had been caught doing something illegal.

Immediately snapping out of her daze, Jimin swiftly retreated her hand and picked up a particular phone on the table, appearing to be Yizhuo's.

In response, Minjeong blinked her eyes and didn't bother uttering a single word. Jimin seemed to display an indiscernible expression and gave the latter a subtle nod before standing up and walking out of the room as if nothing happened.

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