Chapter 1 - Snap

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In a normal day for the turtles, Raph sat on the living room watching a live wrestling match, Donnie was busy with something on his lab and Leo was in the dojo with Master Splinter, Mikey had gone out to see Casey and left one very simple note for Raphael on the kitchen counter.


Don't forget to put the chicken in the oven,

Also, can you feed Ice Cream Kitty for me?



A reminder, Mikey had left spiced chicken in the counter and Raph had agreed to put it in the oven after it was done growing, since Mikey was going to be outside he couldn't do it himself, so he trusted Raph to do this for him, the 'feed the cat' request was just in case he stayed away for too long, pretty easy, right? There was no way Raph could mess this up, right? Well...

Raph remembered the favor he had to do for Mikey and wanted to do it now or as soon as possible, but the match was in the best part and he really didn't want to miss it, but then he remembered how Mikey would probably get on his back about it and Raph really wasn't feeling like dealing with his younger brother's nagging over something so stupid, he knew he would lose track of time if he stayed long, so he just wait until the fight cooled down a bit and rushed to the kitchen, finding Mikey's note and getting annoyed at having yet another task to make.

Raph stumbbled around the kitchen, not paying a single bit of attention towhat he was doing, he was rushing through the motions, glancing over at the kitchen's door to try and get a glimpse of the tv, failing to look at what he was doing.

Raph uncovers the brown bowl with the chicken and checks if it's good enough to put in the oven, seems good enough, he then grabs Ice Cream kitty's blue bowl from the freezer, almost waking her up from her little nap, he puts it on the same counter as the other bowl and continuesly stares at the kitchen's open door, eagered to see how's the match coming along as the narration describes how the fight is getting more and more intense, his distraction caused him to make one very bad mistake, put swapped the bowls in the tasks, he poured the cat's food on top of the chicken and placed Ice cream kitty in a tray before carelessly shoving it into the oven, he didn't even notice his mistake since he rushed out of the kitchen to go back to his TV.

Ice cream kitty suddenly woke up from her nap, she felt hot, way too hot, she couldn't move, she was in so much pain, she tried calling out for help, but no one heard, no one came to her rescue, and in just a few seconds of being awake, Ice cream kitty melts away (dies).

Michelangelo came home not long after the fact, he saw that the stove was on, so he assumed Raph had fed his kitten already, he turned off the oven and decided to check on his lovely cat on the freezer, except that... when he opened it, she wasn't in there, his now frozen chicken was, he didn't understand at first what was going on until he caught sign of the smell that started coming off the over, it smelled like burned sugar, the realization suddenly hit him like a boulder, his heart sank and his lungs felt constricted and tight, his legs were shaking violently as he walked to the oven with wide and fearful eyes, he struggled to get a hold of the handle.

What Mikey saw was a horrible sight to see, his beloved kitten was all burned, a thick layer of carbon crust was spread on top of the melted body, Mikey felt his heart stop for a bit, the air was suddenly sucked out of his lungs as he sat there in pure horror and pain, his tears ran hot down his face and he felt as if the world had crumbled away around his, but suddenly something caught his attention, a noise from the living room, Raphael's cheers, his favorite fighter had just won the fight and he was ecstatic about it, a dark feeling grabs Mikey's heart as he realizes that Raph was responsible for this, his mind goes blank as he reaches for a big knife on the cabinet, a chef knife, he held his weapon of choice with a heavy grip and walked silently towards an unsuspecting Raphael, that was jumping in happiness as the tv's volume seemed to get louder and louder.

Donatello heard the noise from the tv and was starting to get really bothered by it, he was going to wait it out and hope it would get better, but when he heard Raph's desperate scream, he suddenly dropped everything he was doing to check on him, and so did Leo and Splinter, they all walked to a scene they never thought they'd witnessed, Mikey was pinning Raph against the floor with all his strength as he continuously tried to stab Raph's head, thankfully he was able to dodge the blows as they came, but it was still terrifying to see Michelangelo that way, Leo and Donnie managed to tackle Michelangelo and get the blade off his hands, allowing Splinter to rush in and care for Raph, who almost jumped at his father's arms after seeing the putlre rage in his baby brother's eyes.

Even Splinter got concerned, he hasn't seen such murderous look since his most recent fights with the Shredder over the years, Leo and Donnie got Michelangelo to finally calm down and get back to his senses before Splinter called in a meeting at the Dojo, which quickly became almost like a trial room as Michelangelo was put in front of his whole family and judged for his actions, as much as Splinter tried to get through to him, Michelangelo wouldn't budge, he refused to listen and wouldn't apologize for the terrible thing he tried to do, he was barely speaking at all, each word Master Splinter said had Mikey bitting his tongue and swallowing his anger, although, it was getting harder and harder to hold it in and when Splinter finaly got impatient and raised his voice, Michelangelo just snapped.

(To be continued...)

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