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Hope you enjoy this chapter^^

There was supposed to be 2 chapters but I have to do 3 chapters. The story is so long heh.


A small deep laugh came from Vegas as he leaned deeper into the kiss.
"Naughty pet"
Vegas lifted Pete from the kneel on the floor to the bed, putting his leg up to spread Pete's legs.
Vegas wound his fingers in Pete's hair at the nape of his beck. Pete gasped at the way Vegas tugged. Tongue to tongue, the kiss was hot and steamy making them both breath hevaily. As they stopped to breathe, Vegas opened his eyes looking into Pete's. The taste of Vegas made Pete release a little moan.
Hearing the moan Vegas moved his hand to touch Pete's already hard cock. Vegas' eyes were full of lust. "Good boy. Take your pants off." Vegas commanded.
Pete took his clothes off, "Just like that" Vegas said smiling at Pete. Pete's hands travel up to unbutton Vegas' shirt as Vegas moves his lips down Pete's jaw.

Vegas pushed his legs so far apart, he had a full view of Pete's hard cock and puckering hole. "Stay like this." Said vegas as he held Pete's hands together over his head. Holding them so tightly, Pete hissed to the pressure.

Vegas took Pete's right nipple in his mouth and the other nipple between his fingers, twisting and pinching it. He slowly moved down to Pete's hole.

He groaned at Pete's moans, as he blew cold air on the wet bud. Vegas looked at Pete, searching for any signs of discomfort or stress, but for now it seemed like Pete was enjoying himself. Pete nodded waiting for Vegas. Pete moaned at the feeling, still keeping his arms above his head, his back arched. Vegas pushed his tongue inside him. Vegas leaned into Pete, kissing him on the lips softly, his hands on Pete's back. He took his underwear off, the cotton fabric wet and sticky, his cock hard already. He pushed the head inside, slowly, hearing Pete's moan made him lost his control. "You look so good having my cock inside you" Vegas grinned.
He nibbled at Pete's jaw, rocking his hips gently into Pete.

Vegas pulled himself back to look at Pete. Pete was smiling widely, the look in eyes telling Vegas that he loves it.

"Harder, Vegas, please," Pete pleaded, as he wrapped his legs tighter around Vegas' waist, pushing Vegas into him. Vegas growled, his cock twitching inside.

Vegas moved hair from Pete's face, looking into his radiant eyes. The look in his eyes was paralleling pain except it wasn't because of the sex. Vegas wishes to know what Pete is thinking right now.

Vegas came into Pete's soft hole, filling him up with his creme. He gently caressed Pete's cheek."Go to sleep, you must be tired", Pete smiled as Vegas whispered warmly into his ear.

Pete soon fell asleep.

Pete opened his eyes, seeing Vegas next to him. He carefully ran through his hair, observing his sleeping face. Vegas smiled to the touch, opening his eyes to glance at Pete. Pete felt comfort hoping for this moment to never end. All of a sudden, Vegas smiled disappeared, his eyes looking coldly into Pete's.

"Pete, I don't want to die." Vegas cried, small tear falling down his face. Pete pulled himself up still fixing his look at Vegas.
"Save me Pete." The man sobbing begged.

"Vegas!" Pete woke up, his heart racing.
It was just a dream. He then noticed his body was clean and he was covered under a soft blanket.

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