Happy end?

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I'm currently writting a longer story ane making sure the grammar is perfect but idk if I should post it by chapter or when I finish the whole story. What do you guys think?

The air crackled with tension as Vegas and Pete stepped into the room, their presence disrupting the intense standoff between Korn and Kun. Both men turned their attention towards Vegas and Pete, momentarily distracted from their deadly confrontation.

"Vegas, what are you doing here?" Korn demanded, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Vegas stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he addressed his brother.

"I'm here to stop this madness, pa. We don't need to resort to violence."

Kun, still holding his gun steady, eyed Vegas with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

"You dare to defy me, boy?" he growled.

Pete, standing by Vegas' side, spoke up with determination.

"We're here to help. Let's find a peaceful solution to this."

The tension in the room was palpable as the four men faced off, each one grappling with their own conflicting emotions and motivations.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there was a glimmer of hope – the possibility of reconciliation and redemption.

With a deep breath, Vegas took a step forward, extending a hand towards his brother. "Korn, let's end this feud. We're family, and family should stick together."

Korn hesitated, his eyes flickering between Vegas and Kun, torn between loyalty to his brother and allegiance to his father.

But ultimately, it was the bond of brotherhood that won out, as Korn lowered his weapon and embraced Vegas.

Kun, however, remained defiant, his face contorted with rage. "You idiots!" he spat, raising his gun once more.

As the tension reached its peak, Kun's finger tightened around the trigger, his eyes burning with rage and desperation.

Without a second thought, Pete instinctively leaped in front of Vegas and Korn, shielding them from the impending gunfire.

The deafening sound of the gunshot reverberated through the room as the bullet found its mark, striking Pete squarely in the chest.

Time seemed to stand still as Pete staggered backward, a look of shock and pain crossing his face.

Vegas' heart froze as he watched his love fall to the ground, a pool of crimson spreading beneath him.

Korn rushed to Pete's side, his hands shaking as he tried to staunch the flow of blood.

"Pete!" Vegas said, his eyes shocked filled with tears, his voice thick with anguish as he dropped to his knees beside Pete.

Tears blurred his vision as he desperately tried to stem the bleeding, but it was already too late.

Pete's breaths grew shallow and labored as he struggled to cling to life, his gaze locked on Vegas with a mixture of pain and love.

In that moment, all the walls Vegas had built around his heart came crashing down, leaving him raw and vulnerable.

"I'm sorry, Pete," Vegas whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I should have protected you."

But Pete's lips curved into a weak smile as he reached out to grasp Vegas' hand. "You... you already have," he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper.

With his last ounce of strength, Pete squeezed Vegas' hand, a silent reassurance that their bond would endure even beyond death.

And as Pete's eyes fluttered closed for the final time, a profound sense of loss washed over Vegas, leaving him hollow and broken.

But amidst the grief and sorrow, there burned a flicker of determination – a vow to honor Pete's sacrifice and fight for a future where love and compassion triumphed over hatred and violence.

With a heavy heart, Vegas gently closed Pete's eyes, silently promising to carry his memory with him always. And as he rose to his feet, his resolve hardened, fueling his determination to seek justice for his fallen friend and all those who had been lost to senseless violence.

In that moment, Vegas vowed to never forget the selfless sacrifice of the man who had given everything for him – Pete, his guardian angel, and the truest person he had ever known.

"Believe in you, Vegas. Never say you have got nothing left." Pete said, smiling while a bit of blood splattered from his lips.

Pete's grip on Vegas' hand weakened, his chest rising and falling for the last time. His body grew still.


As Vegas held Pete's lifeless body, tears streamed down his cheeks, and a gut-wrenching scream of agony escaped his lips, echoing through the room.

Holding Pete close, Vegas felt like his heart was being torn apart, shattered into military pieces by a grief so overwhelming it felt like it might consume him entirely.

The end.

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