5. Caught

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Hallie POV

Without opening my eyes I snuggle into the warm body laying next to me resting my head on a very comfortable bare chest. It's only when his scent fills my nose that I remember it isn't Joe laying beside me.

With quck movements I move away and look at the man sleeping in my bed. His naked body barely covered, his breathing soft and a small smile playing on his lips.

Laying back down I take moment to look at him, I know I'm not being fair, pretty soon while he's asking to see me again I'll be pushing him out my door.

His eyes open and he smiles at me as he cups my cheek.

"Good morning beautiful" he says softly "Last night was incredible and I'm hoping it was the first of many"

"I don't..........................."

"Shhh we don't have to talk right now" he smiles as he presses his lips to mine rolling me onto my back.
I kiss him back allowing him to do what he desires, his hands roam my body gently and his lips move to my neck.

I close my eyes feeling absolutely nothing.................

"Babygirl.............oh shit...........I'm sorry I should have called first........I didn't know you had company.......I........I'll leave you guys to it" Joe says awkwardly before leaving the room

Without a second thought I push the guy off me and get out of bed pulling on some clothes.

"Who was that?" The guy asks as he also gets dressed

"He's a friend, he stays with me when he's back off the road I must have forgot he was home today" I say

I show the guy back through the house to the front door and open it. He steps out and pauses to give me one last kiss which I don't return.

"Can I see you again" he asks

"I don't think so..........I'm sorry" I say before closing the door

I find Joe pacing the living room, his face flushed with embarrassment and his hands shaking.

"You ok?" I ask softly

"Yeah......I uh......I wanted to suprise you..........I should have known better o should have called" he says "I didn't see anything I swear......I uh.......I didn't know you were seeing some one"

"I'm not.......I..........I don't even know his name" I sigh know there is no way around this

"Wait......that was a one night stand?.............Hallie that's not like you........you don't do that" he says

His words sting and I immediately break, he was right I don't do this. I'd become so desperate to not be alone I'd become some one i didn't recognise.

"What's going on babygirl?" He asks taking me in his arms "talk to me......please"

"I.......I'm not good on my own" I say "I hate waking up alone I......I just wanted some company"

"Hallie.....sweetheart, having sex with random men is not the way solve that problem" he says cupping my cheek "please tell me you've been taking precautions, that your being safe"

"I don't want sex........the sex does nothing for me I don't feel anything" I say "I just want company, I guess both parties get what they want"

"Oh babygirl" he says pulling me close and resting his chin on my head "you should have talked to me, I could have solved the problem in a heart beat"

"I didn't want you to worry" I sigh

"Come with me" he says and look up at him confused "when I go back on the road come with me, that way your not alone and you don't have to do this anymore"

"What about my therapy.......I can't just stop" I say

"We can sort it all out don't worry, just please say you will come with me, just for a little while" he pleads

"Are you sure?" I ask and suddenly I feel my heart racing, not in a panicky way but in a way I've never felt before

"I've never been more sure" he smiles "I...........I want you with me Hallie"

"Ok" I smile "just for a little while"

"Thank you babygirl" he says kissing my hair "now why don't you do breakfast and I will change the bed"


Hallie smiles at me and nods before making her way to the kitchen while I head back to the bedroom.

Quickly I strip the bed and replace it with fresh bedding. All the while my mind is trying to process what she has told me. All this time........this is what she had been doing.

Anything could have happened to her, any of them could of hurt her and I wouldn't have known.

As I go to change the pillowcases a photo falls from between her pillows and its not a photo of her family as I had expected its a photo of me and that's when it hits me.

She doesn't need company she needs me, she needs me to be there to tell her it's ok when she has a nightmare, she needs me to be with her and I know I've made the right decision asking her to come with me.

Making the bed I put the photo back where it was and make the decision not to mention it. I'm here now and I won't be leaving her again.

When I get back to the kitchen I find her laying breakfast out. I put the bedding in the washer and then sit down with her to eat.

She smiles at me and takes my hand I feel my heart flip. Why can't I make myself tell her? Will there ever be a right time?

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