10. Bigger Plan

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Laying Hallie down on the bed after she cried her self to sleep in my arms on the way to hotel mad didn't begin to cover how I was feeling.

How dare she just walk in there and speak to my girl that way? And how the hell did she get back stage in the first place?

"Alright are you guys alright to watch her while I nip out?" I ask and they both look at me

"What are you going to do?" Colby asks

"Joe....man.....you can't hit a woman no matter how much she deserves it" Jon says

"I'm not going to hit her I'm just going to talk to her" I say "this has to end, she's but my girl through hell for long enough. She needs to let her move on"

"So you two finally got your shit together" Jon chuckles

"We're taking it slow" I smile "but yeah that sleeping angel is all mine"

After a fist bump with the guys I head out of the hotel and in search of Celia. It was time some one made her realise what she was doing to Hallie and that it needed to stop.

I had spent far to long watching her suffer and now she was finally happier and we were getting closer and she was not going to ruin it.

The first place a looked was the police station think she may have gone straight there but no luck. I tried a few of the bars round about and hotels and I was about to give up when I saw her sat on a bench looking out at the ocean.

"Celia" I growl "this ends now"

"Hello Joe always the protector huh" she says "I knew you'd come after me, let me guess she couldn't handle the truth"

"What truth it's lies and you know it" I snap

"You want to talk then follow me but I won't have this conversation out here" she scolds before standing and walking towards a hotel.

Against my better judgement I follow her. I have to make this end for Hallie's sake. I follow her into the hotel and up to the third floor to her room.

She holds the door open and allows me to enter first as she turns on the lights and removes her coat.

"So you think I'm lying" she says throwing her coat onto a chair and then sitting on the bed removing her shoes in a way that unnerves me. "I assure you I'm not, she caused it Joe your just too in love with her to see it"

"She would never......she had no reason to kill her family especially not her brother" I snap "I know you need someone to blame but she is not the one"

With a half smirk she stands and walks towards the mini bar "can I get you a drink Joe?" She asks

"Uh sure I'll take a soda" I say and I watch as she takes a side from the fridge and then pours it into a glass while blocking my view with her body

Slowly with that same half smirk she walks over to me and hands me the glass. I take a big drink and then eyeball the glass the her.

"What have you done?" I ask as the strange taste fills my mouth

"Nothing it's just soda" she says placing a hand on my chest "you know Danny was never end game for me, I had my eye on some one much more athletic"

"What.....I don't.....what" I stutter shaking my head as my mind begins to get cloudy and the room starts to spin.

"You look a little tired Joe why don't you lay down" she says before pushing me backwards on to the bed.

I feel the bed move and something on me but before I can react it all goes black.

Hallie POV

When I woke up and found that Joe was gone I made the guys tell me where he had gone.

Knowing how angry he would of been I grabbed my phone and tried to call him to talk him out of looking for her but he didn't answer.

I tired several more times before heading into the main area of the suite to find the guys.

"Jon.....Colby......somethings wrong" I say rushing over to them "Joe isn't answering his phone and he never ignores my calls"

"Relax doll he probably left it in the car" Jon say wrapping and arm around my shoulder

"He didn't drive he walked" Colby says I'll check his gear bag"

I watch anxiously as he searches through the bag and then frowns "Nope not in there" he says

"I'm telling you something is wrong I......." I'm stopped by the beeping of my phone when I open the message I see a photo from Celia but not just any photo.

She's laid in bed naked with Joe sleeping with his head on her chest. Joe also appears to me naked and there is a small smile on his lips.

Underneath are the words "now you will understand how it feels to have your whole world taken from you"

"No.......no.......he wouldn't.......he wouldn't" I stutter as tears stream down my face

"What is it" Colby says taking the phone so he and Jon can see

"God damn bride of satan" Jon snaps "something isn't right he would never"

"I agree he would never do this to Hallie" Colby says

"It's my fault.....I made him wait and take it slow......I shouldn't have expected him to wait forever" I sob

"Don't you dare blame yourself" Colby says taking me in his arms "I promise you that photo is not what it seems. Joe would absolutely wait forever for you to be ready, you are his whole world he would never hurt you like this. We'll get to the bottom of it don't worry"

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