12. Answers

178 14 10

Hallie POV

As I sit quietly beside Joe a rub soft circles over the back his hand. His shoulders rise and fall in a sigh and I know he would rather be anywhere than here.

At the same time I knew he wanted answers and he wanted to be able to give me answers so he had reluctantly agreed to go to the police.

They had arranged for tests to be done, they had taken blood and they had examined and swabbed his lower regions which I knew he was none to please about.

"Remind me again why I'm putting myself through this" he sighs as he lays back on the bed once they are done

"You wanted answers" I say softly "the worst is over now we just need to wait"

"I feel violated babygirl" he says turning his head to look at me "what if..........what if.........what happens with us? Will you stay with me?"

"Of course" I say rubbing his arm "the results won't make me leave you, they will just fill in the blanks and then we move forward"

"I love you Hallie" he says reaching out to cup my cheek "you and only you"

"And I love you" I smile "we are going to be just fine Joe"

Just then a solem looking doctor walks in the room with a piece of paper in his hand. Joe swallows hard and then sits up never letting go of my hand.

"Alright Mr Anoai your bloods and urine confirm what you suspected you were drugged" he says and Joe's head falls to one side looking away from me "however there is no evidence of sexual  intercourse"

"Thank you Doctor" he sighs "thank you"

As the doctor leaves two police officers enter the room and I know what they are hear for.

"Mr Anoa'i we've been made aware of the results so we now we need to ask you if you want to press charges?" They ask

"No" he says and I find myself looking  at him dumbfounded "what she did was wrong but she needs help, therap, not a prison sentence. So no I don't want to press charges"

As they leave my gaze stays firmly fixed on Joe. Slowly he turns to look at me and nothing my expression cups my cheek and smiles softly.

"Why?" I ask

"The last thing we need right now is her anywhere near the cops after her threat" he says "I'm not about to risk you being taken from me"

"So what she just gets away with this?" I ask

"Not forever" he says "but right now I need to protect you"

Joe sits up and turns himself to face me, he takes my hands and guides me to stand. He pulls me to him so I'm stood between his legs.

He takes my face in his hands and looks deep into my eyes. His eyes show a mixture of relief and his fear of losing me. I lean into his touch and then he leans in until our lips meet.

He kisses me softly and deeply and I kiss him back the same way. As he wraps his arms around me he kiss down my neck and along my shoulder before finally nuzzling into me and pulling as close to him as he can get me holding me tightly.

We stay like this for a moment and I gently stroke his hair. I find myself wondering how I hadn't realised sooner  that I loved this man, that he become not only my world but the centre of my universe.

Some how Joseph Anoa'i had stolen my heart without me noticing.

"I was thinking babygirl" he says softly "and I wanted to ask if you would be ok with me calling you my girlfriend?"

I pull back a little and smile at him "as long as I can call you my boyfriend I'm fine with"

For the first time in a while a smile graces his handsome face making his eyes sparkle just a little.

"You can call me anything you want babygirl" he smiles "as long as you love me I don't care what you call me"

"I may have to test that theory out" I chuckle "just give me some time to think of some nicknames"

"I'm going to regret that statement aren't I" he laughs "Alright, let's get out of here, I just want to go back to our room and be alone with you. That's all I need right now"

I watch quietly as Joe gets himself dressed and ready to leave. It had been a long day for both of us and I knew that now he was finally relaxing he was tired.

I had felt him toss and turn beside me all night. I knew how worried he had been, how afraid he was that her actions would cause him to lose me.

But I wasn't about to let her win and I sure as hell wasn't going to let her frame no matter how much I blamed myself for what happened.

"You ready babygirl" he says holding his hand out to me and place my hand in his and nod "then let's get out of here"

As we leave the hospital my mind is full of questions the biggest one being - what does she gain from putting me in jail? How does she benefit and what is she really after?

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