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"I've been looking all over for you."

Remus jumped to his feet, "Housewarden! What are you doing here?"

You scratched the back of your neck, "I, uh, owe you an apology."

The boy was shocked. As were the rest of the present company.

"Your painting was fantastic. It looked beautiful, and I applaud your hard work, but I'm not sure if it's fitting for the lounge. Connor suggested you do some scenery instead, maybe the mountains? But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm really here to say I'm sorry. I was unjustly rude, and you didn't deserve it." You said sincerely. Your hand fell back down to your side.

To say Remus was surprised would be an understatement. The Housewarden, crown "prince" of Arcadia, apologizing to someone like him? That was unheard of. But you chose to bite the bullet today.

"O-oh, thank you, sir. That really means a lot, and I forgive you." Remus said with a small smile.

You nodded, "What did I say about calling me 'sir'?" You added with a teasing smirk.

Remus blushed slightly, "Yeah, right, sorry — erm — Y/n."

You shook your head and looked to the side, "No need to apologize, that's why I'm here."

You looked over Remus's shoulder to see the freshmen from yesterday here. You squinted my eyes, what were they doing here? And with Remus of all people?

You quickly replaced your skepticism with a lazy grin, "Hey there, Yuu. How are you?"

Yuu nervously replied, "Oh, I'm fine."

You nodded, and turned to walk away, "I have to get to my club. All talk to you guys later?"

Remus smiled, "Yeah, later, Y/n!"

You walked out of the library and left the group's presence.


"Was that the freaky guy we've been talking about?"

Yuu looked down to see Grim standing there, confused. They sighed, "You just missed so much, Grim."

"Hey, speaking of clubs," Ace chimed in, "Jade mentioned Y/n used to be in a different club before the Mountain Lovers. Do you know anything about that, Remus?"

Remus turned back to look at Ace, "Oh, yeah, he used to be in Film Studies. Why?"

Deuce scratched his chin in thought, "Film studies? Why'd he leave?"

Remus shrugged, "I'm not sure, he never said. But all this club talk reminded me that I'm late for my art club. I'll talk to you guys later!"

"Film studies?" Ace questioned incredulously.

Yuu spoke up, "Hey, I think that's Vil's club."


You walked into the club room.

"Finally. What took you so long?"

Your club buddy, Jade Leech, asked while placing a new photo of some mountain foliage on the wall.

"Sorry, I had to talk to one of my freshmen. I miss anything?" You sat down at the only table in the room, a small square one that could fit four people max, and placed your school bag on the floor.

"You know I wouldn't do anything without you." Once Jade finished, he turned and sat down across from you.

"I don't have much planned for today." He said truthfully.

  ✶ 𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐓𝐒. ( twisted wonderland )Where stories live. Discover now