12. Healing Rose

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The Hatter and the Hare find themselves wandering through the woods, the beaming sun shining down upon them on the golden afternoon. It would be a peaceful stroll, however, if it weren't for the Hatter leaning on the March Hare's shoulder, clenching his wounded abdomen. 

It has not been long since the March Hare had discovered the Hatter in such a dire state, having had an accident with his sewing scissors during his game of hide and seek. The Hatter had not yet explained how it happened, still seeming delirious from his injury. The March Hare knows that this needs proper medical attention if the Hatter is to fully recover. 

And he knows just the person to help. 

"How far is this 'help' you speak of, March? I am getting quite tired of all this walking," The Hatter questions, struggling to walk even with the support of his friend. 

"Don't worry, she should be around here somewhere. There are many springs in this area, she's bound to be close," The March Hare states, glancing around at the sunny area with many flowers and bunnies hopping around.

Just as the March Hare holds out hope, he finally comes across what he is looking for. Entering a clearing, the two come across a set of cobblestone stairs that leads to a small secluded area, lit up by the golden sun that shimmers the large mushrooms and the clear spring's water. The area is decorated with vibrant flowers and snow-white bunnies sleeping and hopping among them. In the centre of the springs resides a single large rose, a wooden bridge leading to it across the water. 

The March Hare is thankful to have found this place on time for his friend's injuries, however the Hatter cannot even think about his current wound with how in awe he is at the sight of this beautiful place. A place devoid of any other individuals and secluded away from the nasties of the deep woods. A truly calm peaceful place that puts the Hatter at ease just by breathing in the spring's fragrance. 

"Thank goodness she's here. Wait right here, Hatter. Don't move," The March Hare orders as he gently sits the Hatter down on the grassy floor and rushes over the bridge to the rose. The Hatter is unsure of what he is doing, as he is too busy admiring his peaceful surroundings. The calm trickling waters help to put his mind at ease, as well as distract him from his abdominal wound. The March Hare approaches the rose and kneels down to it, whispering something to it that the Hatter cannot hear from where he sits. 

"Rose? Please wake up. I need your help," The March Hare whispers, being careful as to not startle the giant rose as it slumbers. As he stands, however, the rose transforms and seems to grow a couple inches, as well as revealing a face and body instead of a simple thorny stem. What the rose transforms into is certainly not what the Hatter could have expected. Instead of a rose, it appears to be a woman. A very beautiful woman with rose-red lips, curled leafy-green hair, pale green skin, pointed elf-like ears and vines growing throughout her body, as well as a large red gown, seeming to be made of rose petals. The giant rose that she originally was also resides on the top of her head as if it were a sunhat, although it appears it is a part of her rather than a hat she can take off whenever she pleases. She looks down at the March Hare with eyes as blue and serene as the water that surrounds them with surprise, yet concern. 

"Ah, hello again, March. We have not seen one another in quite some time. What brings you to my springs with such a fearful demeanour?" The rose woman asks with a heavenly soft voice, cupping her hands to her chest in intrigue. 

"Rose, thank goodness I found you. It's my friend. He's badly injured. Can you please help heal him?" The March Hare pleads with the taller rose woman desperately. She glances behind the March Hare at the injured Hatter, who stares back at her with curiosity and amazement. 

"Oh my, I am glad you came to find me. This looks grave," Rose gasps, picking up the front of her dress and making her way across the bridge toward the Hatter, still sat upon the grass. The Hatter gazes up at Rose as she gently kneels down to his level to get a closer look at his wound. 

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