The Oath Parte 6

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My father's rebirth lasted about seven months: then the devil reappeared; he had returned, just as the specialist had predicted.

There were no treatments at the time: no chemotherapy, no radiotherapy... nothing at all; only an American medicine: injectable, for one dose a day, directly into a vein.

My father died after another seven months, and I was not at the time of his death; as soon as I returned, Olympia came towards me weeping: "My second dad is gone!", she said, hugging me.

Many people came to his funeral: an undoubted sign that Dad had a broad consideration by the citizens, and a considerable respect.

The priest who officiated the service, a friend of the family who had been our guest several times for lunch on Sunday, the next day, at the cemetery, and before burial, he invited us sons to swear that we would always be in solidarity and harmony, in the memory and teaching of an honest man, making us rest our hand on the coffin. »

— I, don Nicò, placed my hand on the coffin at the same time as the priest was speaking, and without any hesitation; someone else just pretended.

— Um...!

Afterward, relatives and friends, who constantly came to visit him, making him spend some carefree moments, they are as if eclipsed; no one ever came to visit us again, and thus the whole family remained isolated.

— It often happens, Frank, unfortunately.


— About three hours have passed..., Don Nicò, and you have to say Mass: it's time for me to go.

He, who has been listening to me with particular attention all the time, looks at his watch and says "Yes, it's time for me to get ready...; the faithful, especially those who come to Mass every day, do not admit delays!"

— Those..., are the most dangerous believers for the next, — I say getting up, and ready to go out.

Don Nicola does not reply, but smiles, and says — So will we see you tomorrow at the same time?

— Of course..., at the same time don Nicò, I promise!

Crossing, I see the church begin to fill up with people; I mention a few brief greetings "to the most sincere people" and I go out, and go home.

Olympia is not there: "I went to my cousin Betta!", she tells me; when she comes back it is dinner time, and I briefly tell her about the conversation with don Nicola, and I talk to her about the positive impression aroused by the priest's paternal attitude in listening to me. »

— I promised to come back tomorrow.

— I told you: go there, he's a good man! — and he closes the subject.

I return to don Nicola the following afternoon, and the usual lady lets me in the sacristy after a short wait.

A wave of greeting to the priest, and I take a seat.


— Then, Frank, if you're ready..., lets resumes our journey? This time we have no time limits, because it will be my assistant pastor who will celebrate the Eucharist.

— Very well, don Nicò: so, we conclude the first part of the story.


« "Listen... now that dad is gone, let's write down the ownership of the company in your name!", my brother Pasquale told me, a few days after the funeral.

"Why?", I replied, unconvinced.

"Because a company between the two of us would require much more time, and more costs; a sole proprietorship, on the other hand, would be easier to set up!", he replied, trying, and succeeding, of being persuasive.

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