The Oath Parte 10

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The latter grew beautifully; healthy and elegant in his movements also did make small and rapid gallops, moving away from his mother; and then, after a few moments of lively attention to the horses in the paddock beside them, he would come back and circle around her.

The mare... grazed quietly, and sometimes she looked up and neighed briefly at her neighbors, and then called her colt back to her.

Then I moved towards the other enclosure, where Billy and Carano, always side by side, grazed peacefully together with the others; in that enclosure there were only geldings, while the other females grazed in the wood.

« The deed of incorporation of the company was ready; my sister Linda took it with her the morning of a few days later: while I was working as a worker.

I washed my hands, sat down at my desk, and read it carefully. In my experience, I didn't see any anomalous clauses; the shares were what I had hoped for, and the little brother was appointed as administrator.

"Who wrote this?", I asked.

"The doctor Saldatino: the accountant of the company for which I worked, and whom I have known for a long time!", she said.

Immediately afterward, she added: "You can trust him, he is a serious person!", and took the paper back.

"Well...! Now we need to find a notary, in front of whom to sign it!", I said, and lit a cigarette.

"Already done! He is someone I know, because my old company made use of him; he is from Naples, and he is also quite good!", said my sister Linda, and added, "Before going there, however, we must pay the entire share capital into the bank; each of us must bring him the certificate of payment of his share, which will be attached to the notaries deed! Ah! I forgot! We also made arrangements with the owner of the shed that the new company will have to lease. Henry will sign his contract, in the name of our company, as soon as he has the powers to sign!", she said getting up, and walked away.

Immediately afterward the door opened again "Tomorrow we will go to the bank, all three of us!" she added, and closed the door.

I did a little local mind on everything, especially on the notary, who was the same who had drawn up the deed of my withdrawal from the original company, I turned off the cigarette, and went back to being a worker.

At lunch, I talked to Olympia and I said, "We're ready: tomorrow we will go to the bank and I will have to pay the necessary sum for the share capital: one hundred and twenty million lire!". She was in a hurry, and she didn't answer me: she had to pick up the kids from school.

When she returned, she had to put lunch on the table immediately, the kids were hungry, and the conversation was never resumed. »

— In truth, don Nicò, it was I who made sure that he was not recovered, and I did wrong; Olympia, for goodness, culture and social extraction, was the daughter of a policeman, she did not understand very well the importance of numbers, and I was very wrong not to explain the difference to her, especially as far as he was concerned the quotas.

— Ah..., if Olympia had been like the brunette! Is it, don Nicò?...

— You wouldn't have married her, Frank!

— Well then, I shouldn't have been an entrepreneur!

— No, Frank; simply..., on your way you found the wrong people!

— Don Nicò: do I have to blame my father..., for this?

— No! You don't have to..., his intentions were the best. What did not work, Frank, in my humble opinion it was the money: that have arrived in such quantity, and for which you were not prepared to handle them at best! Frank..., you didn't have a short arm! (Being stingy)

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