CH. 8

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I thanked the nurse for assisting me with the patients, walking around so that I could navigate and check the hospital myself.


I heard a familiar voice called me from behind, I turned around and saw Peter once again.

"May I help you Peter?" I asked "I was just checking the patients, nothing busy, you can continue" I smiled at him.

He nodded as he took the position beside me as we both walked side by side. "There was an S-rank gate that appeared out of nowhere near the library, there was an S-rank gate that also appeared not far from the hospital, and the association would like to ask for your assistance" he stated.

"Which gate appeared first?" I asked.

"The gate near the library ma'am, tho, it doesn't follow the normal schedule for it raiding our land, a corpse of an A-rank troll has been spotted not far from the gate, I'm afraid they're raiding sooner than we thought" I nodded, understanding the situation.

"Who are the healers that will take place in the raid?" I asked.

"For the gate near the library, there are 2 A rank healers and an S rank healer will joining them, they're also expecting you" he answered.

"I see... Tell them to meet me at the nearest cafe at 5pm, they'll probably raid the gate tomorrow morning, I'll help them prepare" I ordered as Peter nodded, understanding.

I walked towards the stairs where it leads to the rooftop, as soon as I reached it, I saw a huge portal, not far from where I am, and another portal a few miles away.

'that must be the portal near the library, the gate seemed to be much more larger" I thought 'I can tell those are no ordinary portals'

"Wow I never knew that I get to meet Ms. Medici in person" I can hear a teen voice behind me, I turned around and saw a teen, almost the same age as my brother Maxwell.

"I'm happy that you get to meet me aswell" I smiled at the teen.

"I'm a huge fan of yours! Your healing abilities are unique!" She exclaimed.

"Why thank you~ you flatter me little miss" I smiled again "may I ask why are you here?" I asked her, curious as to what she's doing in such a place where her life can be in gravely danger.

"Well I'm a hunter, and I was curious about the gate that me and the other guilds will be raiding tomorrow" she said.

What she said made me scowl a bit "you're part of the raiding team?" I asked.

"Yah, don't get me wrong okay, I might look like I'm 15 but I'm already 19, and also, I'm an S-rank assassin" she grinned at me. "I'M MEREDITH! DITH WITH A D-I-T-H" she cheerfully said

"Oh, my apologies for judging you too early" I smiled, 'no wonder I didn't feel her presence earlier, she's an assassin, an S-rank also, she's far more skilled than I expected, I can tell' I thought. "I'm Ieri, well, I guess you already knew that"

I watch her jump down and approach me "yup! And it's good ma'am, as long as it's the madam Medici, I won't mind at all" she grinned at me "also, will you be joining the raid? I mean, it's literally beside your hospital" she asked.

I nodded "I decided that I will be assisting the raid tomorrow, since it's also near my hospital, and also, I was told that it wasn't a normal gate after all, monsters might attack any time" I calmly stated as I looked at the gate.

"I was informed" she now stood beside me, also looking at the gate. "With you there! It will be done in no time!" She grinned towards me.

I chuckled "you really are great with your words" I joked as she laughed.

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