CH. 15

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The group started to panic, as their raid started to take a much more dark turn. High orcs started to appear, slowly outnumbering them.

“THEY ARE AFTER THE MAGES BE CAREFUL!” one yelled, to raise awareness to the group.

“WE'RE NOT EASILY DEFEATED DON'T WORRY!” one mage stated as he started to use his magic ability to attach one of the orcs.

He froze when he saw the orc he attacked, unharmed, not even scratches landed on its skin, he started to shake and sweat “It didn't work?! Its magic resistance is too great!” he informed his team.

One of the mages started to use her magic on an orc, as purple magic restrained it “IT’S TOO POWERFUL! I CAN ONLY HOLD IT FOR 5 SECONDS!” she said, trying her best to restrain the irc, but ended up breaking free from her magic.

“THAT'S ENOUGH!” The male mage yelled “HEED MY CALS AND CUT DOWN MY ENEMIES!” he chanted, yellow bright light started to appear as a yellow bright knight were summoned and walked out of the light. He started to pant, mana slowly draining out of his body.

Then one hunter got his right arm cut clean, he screamed, and a healer rushed immediately to his aid. “WHAT ARE THE TANKERS DOING! PROTECT THE BACKLINES!” one healer stated.

Everything was in chaos, everyone’s mana was slowly draining, one orc found its way to the healer that was healing her team’s arm, reattaching it, her blood ran cold when her eyes landed on the huge orc in front of her.

She gasped, closing her eyes, accepting her fate as she waited for the impact to hit her. But nothing came, her eyes opened, and saw the orc floating in mid air, as it ripped itself in half. “What the heck…”

Then from then on, the battle became easy. Unbeknownst to the group, a hunter was using stealth, damaging every orcs in the area using their dagger, and their skill to weaken the enemy.

This went on until every orcs in the area were all eliminated. “Is that all?” One asked uneasily.

“Did we win?” One asked, also feeling uneasy.

“I can't believe there was a gang of high orcs” one stated.

“We're fortunate that none of us died” one replied. A few agreed with his statement.

But then one mage looked at their porter, suspicions growing inside of her, she knew that their porter used stealth, thinking that the porter must think that their group are full of fools and that he assumed that magic casters won't notice at all.

“Hey, Ki-Hoon oppa” one healer called their captain.

“Yeah?” He replied, facing the healer.

“When we were fighting high orcs just now, one orc was suspended in the air and got ripped apart” she stated.

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