CH. 10

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Ieri sighed, rubbing her temples as she leaned her elbows on her desk, everything was a mess, it would be reasonable if she didn't revived any of them, but that's not who she is.

She sighed looking at the adoption papers that Meredith gave to Peter, she's asking for her to adopt her, at first Ieri thought she was joking, but seeing this now on her desk, she knew that Meredith was dead serious.

"You really should consider it" Peter was also in the room, trying to tease her, with the adoption papers, he knew she's not okay with being a mother, or be someone else's parent figure-- because yes, she's not that good.

"Peter, you know I can't take care of people that great, and no I'm not ready to be someone else's parent" she slouched on her chair as she grumbled.

This made him chuckle as Ieri looked up at him pouting. "You don't really know yourself do you?" He stated, smiling at her.

She just sighed "you told me that I have a meeting with the Korean Hunter's Association?" She asked Peter, trying to change the subject.

This made Peter sit up straight as he looked at the copy in his hands, standing up from the sofa, approaching her desk. He nodded "yes, the Korean Hunter's Association president asked for you to attend a meeting" Peter stated.

"I see, mark it as done, I'll take Maxwell out before we fly to Korea, I also have businesses to attend to" She said, reading the details that was printed on the paper.

Then suddenly her door opens wide, this startled the both of them as the revealed, a long blonde haired buff man.

She put down her papers as her guard was up "I wasn't expecting you Thomas Andre" she stated.

"Well it is also a pleasure to meet you, Life" he said, stating one of the nicknames that people labelled Ieri with, as he grinned at the woman. "It has been a while" he added. As he looked at Peter "Hello Peter, you've been busy aswell"

"We both are, please have a seat~" she smiled at him, referring to the chair in front of her desk, or the sofa that was resting on the right part of the room as you enter.

Thomas sat on the sofa, his assistant following him. Peter then helped assist the guest as Ieri stood up, and sat on the Sofa across from Thomas.

"Now that we're here, I have, a gift for you, it has been a while since I've been giving you gifts Medici~" he smiled, as this made Ieri sigh in disbelief.

"If it's about the marriage proposal, my decision and answer are still the same and solid as it is before" Ieri's calm expression made Thomas chuckle.

"Honey~ don't give me that look, my heart aches when you're frowning at me" he stated as he dramatically clenched his chest.

Peter then put the tea cup, slightly rough on the table Infront of Thomas, making a loud clank that made the foreigner flinch a bit.

"Jeez Peter, you're still grumpy as ever" Thomas teased the man. As Peter just sent him a glare secretly.

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