Chapter Three

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   The cold morning breeze flows by Jimins cheeks. Looking around the property Jimins eyes stare in awe. Holy shit the place is huge. The yard went on as long as the eye could see. Rich people. The land was filled with many different spots, a sports part, a pool, and a bare land of just sand. What do they do with the sand throw it at people?? Hobi starts walking past the pool, and Jimin quickly follows. "I forgot to bring it, so ill give it to you during lunch, but normally me or Jin will be out here waiting for you at 7 sharp, I'll give you the watch later." Hoseok looks over at Jimin as he nods, he smiles at him before opening a gate door. Looking inside he sees a track. "Out here will just be to run, the real hardcore training will be with Yoongi and sometimes Ara if she has the time." Ara! Hoseok noticed the hope in his eyes. Poor guy Hobi's thinks, he doesn't even know that working with Yoongi is much better then with Ara. She's scary. He shivers at the thought of his wife training him. They both get to the track and Hobi pulls a bomb box out from a shed. Scrolling through his playlists he chooses one with upbeat songs like cherry bomb and the power puff girls theme song. He smiles as the music starts to play. "We obviously need music." They both start to jog around the track. Jimins hair starts to stick to his forehead and looks at Hobi to see if he's sweating as well. Only to see him have piggy tails in his hair. He looks forward trying to keep from smiling. He'll remember to put his hair up tomorrow. As his feet the floor simultaneously behind him he hears Hobi sing, "Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha Cherry Bomb!" he stumbles a little as he laughs. Running next to him Hobi jokes. "Be careful,  you get hurt my wife will kill me." Jimin simply laughs back. The ringing of the alarm gained their attention. Jogging over Jimin gets a drink while trying to catch his breath. Hobi starts packing up the stuff. "Come on I'll show you the way back." They make small talk as he walks him through the mansion.

As they reach Jimins white door, Hobi leaves him. Flipping the lights on, a yellow folder catches his eyes. Laid neatly at the end of his nicely made bed. As the door creaks shut leaving him all alone stuck with the folder. His mind races, 'I don't want to do this.' His arms wrap around his shoulders. 'The people I have to kill... are they innocent?' At the thought Jimins legs give out plopping him to the floor. 'maybe they deserve to die?' gasping at the small voice Jimin leans forward now holding his stomach. 'No! no one deserves to die.' He curls himself into a ball and drifts off. 'I don't want to be a murder.' Finally getting some actual sleep that his body needs.




"How was the run?" Hoseok raises his head to see Namjoon walking in the doorway. "It was good," he said standing up and bowing to him. "Though being honest... he won't make a good killer. Not even a good member of Bangtan." Giving a soft chuckle Namjoon sits next to the, now, white headed boy. "if you keep dying your hair its going to fall out." Namjoon says ruffling Hoseoks head. "I would never let that happen, besides I take great care of my hair." Namjoon nods and looks at the computer on Hobi's desk. "I bet you 50 bucks that he hasn't even looked at the job yet." Joon pulls out the 50 from his wallet placing it on the desk. Looking at him with wide eyes. "Ill take that bet, 100 dollars" slamming it on top of the 50 dollar bill. "Oh my fucking god." Both of them tense up, "How dare you bet of Jimin." The voice was cold and hard, "With out including me asshats." Yoongi grabs them by the shoulder and grins. "I bet 500 that he fell asleep from exhaustion, never even touched the papers." Namjoon and Hoseok grin their evil grins back at him. "Deal" Like children they go to his door, slowly opening the door they scan the room. Only to find him curled up in a ball Namjoon curses and Hobi groans. They shut the door and pull out 500 each handing it over to the one and only prideful Yoongi. "What," immediately they all freeze and look at the person talking. "are the three of you dumbasses doing?" Jin's eyes wander to the money, Yoongi shoves it in his pocket. "Checking on the weakling." Yoongi says confidently. Jin grabs his face shoving him out of the way so that he could get to the door. Only he finds Jimin curled in a ball on said floor. "The three of you pick him up, gently, and put him the bed." He moves the covers, letting the three stooges place him on the bed. "We should give Jimin time to adjust." Namjoon roles his eyes. "Ah yes lets baby Jimin, Mr. Park would kill us if he saw this." Jin thumps Joon in the forehead. "Yeah well, he's not here is he? We'll give Jimin a week to just get use to the place." Yoongi interjects, "What-" and without hesitation Jin silences him. "Shut up." Yoongi's head drops and apologizes.




Jimin's body slowly shifts before his eyes open sleepily. Just for two seconds he felt at peace. Peace is a funny concept isn't it? I mean just like everything else in this world people feel peace differently. Some when alone, or with loved ones, when is quiet, or they are laughing, and people get along. Jimins peace was when he felt safe. Which is why it only lasted two seconds. Jimins eyes widen, as he shoots up sees a dark room. Scanning the room and not seeing anyone he lets out a breath. The memory of falling asleep on the floor hits him, filling his stomach with dread. 'They moved me... why?' grabbing the blanket while staring down, the door opens and low and behold Jin walks in with food. "Oh, good your up here's lunch, we have discussed it, for right now you will just get use to being here no training, well except running, but other then that you'll stay in here for maybe about a week." Jins sweet smile relaxed Jimin. "I.. have to stay in here..?" Placing the food down on the desk Jin smiles. "Well of course." Jimin doesn't push farther and instead stands up to grab the food. Seokjin places his hand on Jimins shoulder. "You'll be okay." The words echo in his head. 'Will I?' 'How long will it take for me to be okay? How long would I even be okay?' Jin leaves closing the door softly. 'I miss my family Gramps, Tae, and Jk. Oh how I wish I could hug them.' Eating his food in sorrow. Which is all he ever is now. Sorry and sad. Sorry that he was kidnapped. And Sad that he can never go back to his old life. 'I want to go home' 

Author Note,

Namjoon is an asshole <3

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