Chapter Four

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    Time is a funny concept, isn't it? Sitting down and playing video games, time flies, but when you're doing work, time is so slow it feels like time isn't even passing. I feel that everyone in life always wanted to control time. I mean how awesome would that be?? For Jimin the time was both. The days felt so long but the knowledge that in a week he would be forced to do things he didn't want. With the constant dread of its taking to long and oh god I don't want to do this times flying to fast. Namjoon would purposely leave him in there longer which Jimin would probably never know. He started to feel so claustrophobic in his huge room. The dread that the walls are starting to close in. He's stuck he wants out. There's so little air in there for him. Well, that's what he thought.

He stayed in that room, with no other freedom of running in the morning, for about a month. Jin tells himself it because they were so busy with the other side. Well, they are technically called La Rosas or the roses. Bangtan refuses to call them that for the meaning behind the name. La Rosas means for the group how they are perfect and beautiful at the top of all other "flowers", but they are sharp and won't hesitate to harm them. Bangtan will and always have believed that the meaning doesn't make any fucking sense seeing as Bangtan is at the top and not them. La Rosas have never been the top. Always a second place, but with four of the members that joined as teens they have started to be a thorn in Bangtan's side. They have grown in power. They have more respect, control multiple districts. While lately Bangtan has lost the respect that they have. Keeping people in line takes quite some manpower. But that's what Jimins going to fix. Maybe...


Pulling her hair back Ara opens her computer looking at some reports. She's a little behind seeing as instead of just taking a week off she took three. Oops. The quick clicking drowns out any other noise in the rooms, which is not the best thing when Yoongi is by the door asking her to come do something. "Arasely, you cannot just ignore me because you feel like it, you need to take Jimins vitals." Turning in her chair she stares at him blankly before standing up and bowing. "Sorry just stuck in my head." Grabbing gloves and some sanitary wipes Ara wipes everything down. "Ill go get him." Yoongi states as he walks out of the door. She pulls up his chart to see if anything needed to be checked. Looking over the chart something pops in her head. "He's gone and we can't find him. He's basically our bother." Quickly showing away Taehyungs words from her mind she stands up and gets some water. I can't think of this right now.

Jimin opens the door slowly seeing Ara holding her head in her hands as if she was stressed. "Are you okay...?" as an immediate reaction she stands up putting on a smile. "Of course, just tiered. Now how have you been?" he holds his hands together fidgeting before saying was fine. "How have you been feeling I heard you were left alone all day for the entire time I was gone." Gesturing to the seat for him to sit down. "Well," he sits down slowly, "I haven't been all alone Jin and Hobi hyung would take me out to run in the morning." She nods writing stuff down. "Have you always loved running? I mean do you know how well your stamina is?" As she speaks, she laces a cuff around his arm and pushing a butting causing it to squeeze. "I think its good, before... this I use to do an hour runs around my neighborhood." She hums in response. Looking at the time on her wrist. 6:45 am. "Today when Yoongi tests your physical health tell him to bring the results over to my office." A slight twinge of sadness shines in his eye, putting the needed information into the computer. "You wont be the one doing it?" taking the band off she gives him a sad smile. "Sorry Jiminie I've missed to much work. I have got to catch up or this place will fall apart." He nods softly before sanding up. "Mis Ara?" she looks at him with a soft smile. "I'm not sure who I can trust here but I do trust you, could you go to my apartment and bring me a photo off my wall? Its of me my friend and gramps." Nodding with a smile, "Of course I can Jiminie." He bows leaving the room

Pulling out her phone she dials a number with the name being "That thing" "hello" the voice on the other end says. "Hey, could you go break into Jimins house and get a picture off the wall it has him, Tae, Jk and gramps on it." With a groan the other voice agrees and hangs up. Going back to her she falls back into her thoughts of her work.

Once again Jimin stares at the yellow folder on his bed. This time he is actually able to pick it up flipping it open to see a photo of an old man. With white hair and looking very mature. I have to kill him continuing on it shows photos of men? But dressed nicely and in dresses? Oh, that's how ill have to dress. The more he reads the more he finds out, he likes blonds with hazel eyes, a big ass, that is wearing a skimpy tight dress. You'll be a grade A whore. Ignoring his thoughts he then flips among the papers finally finding the photo of the man. His victim. He takes a deep breath reminding himself. If I just do what they ask I'll get an opening. Memorizing the details his eyes stare deeply at the words desperately trying to remember every little detail.

A knock on his door pulls him out of his trance. A wild Yoongi appears causing Jimin to frown. "wow nice to see you as well. Hurry up it's time to train you, well today will just be an assessment." Yoongi says standing out of the way and picking his arm up, motioning Jimin to leave the room. Reluctantly he listens and walks out of the room. "do you know how athletic you are?" Jimin rolls his eyes. " What does it matter when you are going to test me. Yoongi groaning wishing he didn't have to deal with the child. "if you are going to disrespect me I'll have Ara train you and trust me. That is the worst thing you will ever go through." "at least she's nice." Jimin mumbles back. "not during training." Opening the door to a gym looking room he walks in with Yoongi following behind. "okay" Yoongi says breaking the silence. " go to the starting line and I'll time you." Jimin moans frustrated. Really I just came back from a run. Annoyed he walks up and ready's himself. The sound of a whistle blows cause him to run as he comes around he sees yoongi holding up 3 fingers, going around this time he's holding up 2 and so on. When he finally finishes his last lap. Yoongi times it, writing it on a paper. "of course it's average." Yoongi mumbles. Wow this guy is a major asshole. Jimin ignored his words catching his breath. Yoongi then goes to a mat and gestures to him. "okay now we are going to do push ups, sit ups, and plank." Doing each one and pushing himself as far as he could. I bet Jungkook could do this easily. Yoongi stays silent, looking at him like this Jimin realizes that he's fucking hot. Oh God no I can't be attracted to this asshole. " Okay up on your feet." Yoongi orders. Jimin continues to do as he's told. And thankfully Yoongi thinks the pinkish hue of jimins cheeks are due to the work out not him blushing furiously from how embarrassed Jimin is. "Okay Jimin you did good work today I'll see you tomorrow, I'll be your running buddy." Before Jimin could answer Yoongi just left. My God how could I find him attractive he's an ass.

Walking to the doc's office once again, he opens the door not finding her at her desk, or in the bathroom, the door was wide open. "Ara?" he calls out wondering where she is. "Yoongi don't move." His eyes look up at the sound. Her face filled with terror as she stands on a cabinet in the corner. "what the fuck are you doing." She looks at him with pure and utter fear. "there is a wasp in here, it's by the door so I can't escape." He follows her eyes to the bug, which he sees coming straight for him. They bug eyes filled with anger and hatred that was pointed for Yoongi. "Fuck." Was all he said before he started running. The wasp follows him as he darts through the place, constantly on his tail never letting up. As if the wasp had years of hatred built up specifically for him. Yoongi hopes and prays that something would kill it. Yoongi gets into a common room, slamming the door behind him. Wishing that it would stop the wasp. Luck was not on his side, the wasp comes from the bottom of the door straight for Yoongi. Another worker walks over placing the wasp in a cup just before it reaches Yoongi. "why is there a wasp in the fucking house." The worker questions. "No fucking clue he says." The adrenaline still pumping through his blood he slumps back to the office, he sees Ara, this time sitting at her desk. "here's the physical report, extremely ordinary for someone so special." She rolls her eyes. "we aren't born with skills we must work hard at them." He sighs and places it next to her. "Where have you been Hobi has been sleeping with me because how lonely he's been." She smiles at the thought of her husband. "I've been with my cousins really caught up." He turns around leaving her. "I'm glad you finally got a break, you deserve it." He shuts the door behind him. She smiles a sheepish smile as she grabs the board and places the data in the computer.

Jin walks in the room seeing jimin sitting on his bed. "Come on Jiminie"

"Come on Jiminie," Tae says running to the carnival. With a huge smile he chases after him. Jungkook was already there in line waiting to get tickets.  

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