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Ive never had the perfect life. I've never even had what they would call a somewhat good life. Ide summerize my 15 years as bare and harsh, and there's not much more to it. I grew up in Portland with my mom, dad, and brother Cody. We didn't have a lot of money and we didn't love each other all that much. After Cody left home i stopped trying in everything. School, soccer, and family, and mom wanted me out the house. The only family member i had any connection with was Aunt Jeanie, my moms sister and she lived in Derry, Maine, her and moms home town. After the whole "Your kicked out the house" thing, i was sent to Derry, and i was absouluty terrified.

Small town life was something compleatly foreign to me. I had always roamed the streets of east Portland and fit in with big city folk. I could be loud, obnoxious, and bitchy, but i wouldnt really classify myself like that. When i was alone or with good compony i was known to be more thoughtful and well mannered. the difference was night and day. still, how good of a person was i really? i was no better then the people i hung around.

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