Victor Criss

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Me and Patrick waited patiently outside the school. Henry hadn't been able to eat with us since principal Vorhees wanted to talk to him about his behavoural issues and how this year he needed to be different. It was no use, nobody could get Henry Bowers to do anything. Belch was eating with a girl he had been starting to hang around so he wasnt with us either. Somehow, we knew Henry would want to cut class after his behavioral talk, and we waited for him patiently at belches car.

After about 10 minuets of silence between me and patrick; nothing but the sound of Billy idol and metalica basting through Belches radio, Henry came storming out with more spice then usual. Luckily, he wasn't headed towards me. He was heading straight towards an unsuspecting Patrick, who was carving something into the cars seat. Belch was right behind him struggling to keep up with a worried expression plastered on his face. 

"Tell me there lying." Henry said while tightly gripping Patrick by the face. "Tell me you mother fucker."

Patrick didnt look scared, mostly startled by the sudden act of violence. 

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" He spat.

"You know.. fucking nutjob. Everyone cant stop telling me about it."

Patricks eyes lit up with relization. "Ohh. Beth? I was just fucking around thats all. I didnt know youd make it suck a big deal."

Henry squinted menecingly at him, tightinging his grasp.

"Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. Everyones telling me. 'OH, PATRICKS GOING OUT WITH THE NEW GIRL. YEAH, HE HAD HIS HANDS ALL OVER HER IN HOMEROOM.' What the fuck do you think your doing with that slut!?"

Patrick rolled his eyes mockingly. "Why the fuck do you care so much? huh! Its like your in love with her or something. Right Vic?" He said staring at me. "I mean, hes obsessed with talking about her. Tell him what you told me."

I stood stiffly not saying anything. Of course i shouldnt have told Patrick anything, everytime i did it led up to a confrontation such as this. Henrys neck snapped back and he rattled me with his blood thirsty stare. I couldnt get myself to say anything, even if i did, it would probobly come out as a squeek.

"Fine. Ill say it for him. I think we all feel the same anyways. You dont want to hurt her, alright You dont even just want to fuck her. You want to take her home and treat her right while you call her Mommy and she cooks you fucking grits for dinner. Its because of your fucked up father shit alright? How he beats you or whatever, and how you like it. And how you have no mom. Its all fucking connected to this girl. Its pathetic that your trying to hide it too. Well guess what Bowers. Your not as fucking tough as you think."

I could see in Henrys face that those words cut deeper then a knife; He almost winced at the sound of them. Then, without thinking, he pulled his dads pocket knife and held it to Patricks throat. "Say it again." He said right into Patricks neck. "FUCKING SAY IT AGAIN."

Patrick stood still. I couldnt read him. I couldnt tell if he was properly scared of his best friend or not. He knew in his heart that Henry could and would kill him if he really wanted too, and that in this moment, he was in danger.

Henry started to push into patricks flesh using the tip of his knife. Slowly and smoothly, he glid the knife from behind Patricks ear to his collar bone. Blood began to seep out from the wounds but it didnt gush. Henry had not cut him that hard. "Fuck you." he said rigidly into his ear. He toyed around with the end of the wound, cutting a bloody flap into his skin. Finally, he pulled the knife away and shoved Patrick into the side of the car. Patrick imeadetly grabbed onto his bloody wound and tried to wipe himself dry but It was no use, there was too much blood. 

Henry walked off once again, this time alone and back into the school. Belch hopped into the front of the car while i took my sweatshirt off for Patrick to clean himself up with. The car smelt like a butcher shop and looked like a crime scene. Blood was everywhere, staining the seats of the car. Belch turned the motar on and sped off to Patricks house. "Sorry man."


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