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2 more weeks had passed and Ivy already returned, we met yesterday and she told me about how desperately she wanted to come back here.

About Sunghoon, me and him are fine now, he treats me way too well than he used to do. We hangout a lot and not a single day passes without us eating each other's face.

If it'd be for someone else, I would have never agreed to that but with him, it just feels too good, we don't even get bored of each other and I enjoy his company a lot.

It was weekends and today is a party held in our place, with our friend group and some of the more peoples from our university, invited.

It seemed to be a normal party that often been held at one of our friend's
place, last time it was on Jay's place and this time it happened to be on our place.

Currently, me and Sunghoon were heading out for shopping, which Ivy requested me for so we'll be picking her up on the way.

Since I still have those dresses Sunghoon bought me last time, I'll be wearing any one of them so I don't need to buy something, but Ivy does, though I didn't get it why did she made me ask Sunghoon to tag along with us, I just shrugged it off.

"Is that your friend's house?"

Sunghoon asked, pointing towards the house that was infront of us.

I nodded and got out of the car since I already received a text from her, and there she was excitedly running to me and attacked me with a hug.

Then we made our way inside the car, seating in the backseat together so we could have lots of talks and can decide through what she wants to buy.

"Can you come out of the car?"

Hearing him suddenly, I pointed at myself to make sure if he was talking to me and he nodded.

Cluelessly, I got out of the car, walking over to where he was pointing, which was the passenger seat and he instantly made me sit next to him.

I know why he did that, he was being clingy because we didn't spended enough time with each other for some days, ever since Ivy returned.

I turned my head to give Ivy an apologetic look because I couldn't sit with her, but she didn't seem to mind it and reassured me.

Time seemed to slip through fastly and we were done shopping with a lot of difficulties for me only, because I needed to help Ivy with whatever she was buying, whilst Sunghoon kept on putting his hands around my waist and even kissed me secretly when no one was watching.

I hit his chest once Ivy entered inside her house after bidding me goodbye. He just gave me a look as if he's enjoying it before he started the car.

"Your friend is so annoying"

"What did she do?"

I asked, removing my seatbelt once we reached home.

"She kept staring at me and being clingy, but you do know I only prefer it with you and no one else, so talk to her and tell her to stay away from me."

I wasn't sure but I felt my heart racing when he said that.

I nodded mindlessly and averted my gaze from him, could it be that she likes Sunghoon? Because there are highly chances of it by the way she acts these days.

Whilst I was lost in my thoughts, Sunghoon came to my side and opened the door, he reached out his hands to take something from the car while blocking my way of getting out.

I waited for him to be done which he soon did, still blocking my way he looked at me, before I could gesture for him to let me go, he kissed me.

And there he goes again, lifting me up and sitting on my seat instead, closing the car door he adjusted me on his lap and the way he was kissing me, it seemed as if I was some kind of meal he was devouring.


I broke the kiss, wiping my mouth as I gave him a glare.

"Just reminding you that no one's stealing me from you"

He got out of the car and put me down on my feet before dragging me inside.

Why does he makes it seem like we are actual couples and not doing it just for fun?

Since it was almost evening, I went to get ready, putting on a black strapless dress with a pair of black boot heels, and a good amount of makeup, I let my hair flow.

I took a quick glance of myself in the mirror before I texted Ivy, who said she's on her way already.

As I stepped out of my room, I could hear some voices of peoples downstairs, means they have started to gather now.

I saw Sunghoon heading upstairs, he seemed to be going somewhere else but when he saw me, he walked over to me.

The way he was staring at me, I knew I looked too beautiful for him to take his eyes off and he's surely here to compliment me.

"I have a confession"

I looked up at him with wide eyes but soon hide it, I wasn't expecting this as I gestured for him to go ahead.

Is he really just going to propose me? No way, that can't be, whatever we do is just for fun and he himself said it, then there's no way he'll propose me.

"I want you-"

I couldn't face him, I couldn't believe my ears, what I was hearing, and that from him?

I slowly, very slowly turned to look at him who was smiling at me, my heart was beating, too fast that it felt like it will explode and I unknowingly cracked a smile until his next words ringed in my ears.

"To meet my girlfriend"


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