Chapter 1 - Touring the Castle

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Author's Note

This is a volturi romance story~  Picture of Anna on top!

Chapter 1

A sea of red comes into view outside my window.  I wonder at first if it's a desert I'm seeing, but realize a little too slowly that it's the red rooftops of Venice below, getting clearer and clearer as our plane descends.  My mind is still a bit groggy from the almost 12 hour flight across the Atlantic. A never ending reel of thoughts occupied my mind the whole time.  I couldn't even bring myself to nap or put a movie on. 

My exhaustion is replaced by a burst of adrenaline when the plane lands. I'm no longer confined in limbo by this tube of metal, so from now on there's no time to waste. I quickly hop out of my seat and run straight through and out of the airport without bothering to stop at the baggage claim first.  I didn't even bring any luggage.  I don't need any, not for what I'm here for.

Luck seems to be on my side today because when I step outside, clouds are blocking all direct sunlight, perfect for vampire hunting.  I'm looking specifically for someone named Heidi, I heard from a couple "friends" that she hangs around the airport looking for people to "tour" the old castle in Volterra.  Little do any of them know that touring that castle will be the last thing they ever do.  Oh, and about those "friends" before, I use that term very loosely considering that they were actually a gang of vampires that have been tormenting me since I was in middle school.  To top it all off, they killed my entire family to make up for the fact that they couldn't kill me.  That's when I decided to come to Italy.  The guys were more than happy to tell me how to find the Volturi, thinking that they would somehow find a way to kill me considering the three of them can't, but that's a story for a different time.  I graduated high school so I'd at least have one accomplishment in life, and school took my mind off having to sit and wait until my eighteenth birthday, when I was finally legally able to come to Italy unaccompanied.  Right after my birthday I hopped on a plane and here I am... in Italy... trying to find a vampire.

After a couple hours of walking around and almost giving up hope, I suddenly see a huge group of tourists following a beautiful dark haired woman with extremely pale skin.  I walk up to the front of the group and try to identify the woman.  I was never told exactly what Heidi looks like, but I do know a vampire when I see one, and this woman definitely is a vampire.

"Excuse me?" I ask the woman, and she swings her head around without slowing her pace.

"Yes?" she asks smiling, holding the "s" out a little longer as she inspects me.

"Where is this group going?" I ask, studying her dark brown eyes, but it's not hard to tell that she's just wearing colored contacts.

"To the Volterra Castle!" she exclaims, "Having been build thousands of years ago, it is one of the oldest structures in Italy," she advertises.

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