Chapter 9 - Seeing Red

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Author's Note

I am so glad I'm finally finishing this!  I never thought I could come up with enough material to bring this story to my goal length of 30,000 words, but I'm already at almost 23,000 and there's so much more plot yet that I want to include still!  I just keep coming up with new plot ideas as I'm writing, and the way it's turning out, I will definitely surpass 30,000 words.  Because of that, I'm setting my new word count goal at 50,000 words.  As always, enjoy the chapter!  ;)  

Previously in Chapter 8...

“I have something I need to talk with you about,” Caius tells me in a serious tone, “now.”

Chapter 9 – Seeing Red

“Uh-okay,” I sputter out, still not completely over the surprise of Caius appearing out of nowhere. 

“Follow me,” he orders.  My eyes follow him as he whips past me and starts heading in the direction of where I know his room is.  My breathing subconsciously shallows as try and figure out what stupid thing I did to make him angry this time.

“You know…” I start when we stop in front of his door, unable to stand the awkward silence anymore, “A lot of people in this castle would start asking questions if I somehow went missing,” I tell him.  Caius looks back at me.  “Alec and Jane would, Chef Lavitto and Felix would, and I’m sure Demetri would.  Even Aro would I’m sure… UNLESS ARO’S IN ON IT!” I say loudly as the realization hits me.

“Unless Aro’s in on what?” Asks a voice from behind me.  I spin around to see the guy who looks like one of the elves from Lord of the Rings.  It fits, I mean, his name is “Aro” and the elves from the books/movies do shoot arrows!  Ha!

“You guys found a way to kill me, didn’t you?”  I ask, dread sweeping over me.  The whole reason I came here was to be killed so I didn’t have to deal with vampires anymore, although now that I’ve met and gotten to know a group of vampires who actually don’t torture humans for the fun of it, and now that I’ve actually became friends with some of them, I realize that in a weird way, this is the only place I feel like I belong.  After everything I’ve experienced here, I don’t want to leave, and I especially don’t want to be killed.

“Kill you?” Aro asks with a chuckle, “I can assure you that I have no idea why Caius brought you here.  Besides, I already made the decision that you will join the guard once we figure out how to make that happen.”  He then continues down the hallway, leaving me alone with Caius with a lot more confusion than before.

“So…” I start, the embarrassment from before starting to creep up, I mean, I did just wrongfully accuse him of trying to kill me.

“Just get in,” he heavily exhales, pushing the door in for me.  I duck under his arm and step into the room.  It still looks the same as it did from when I was in here before, not that I expected it to change or anything…

“So what do you want to tell me?” I ask, plopping onto one of the couches and making myself comfortable.

“Please, make yourself at home,” he says sarcastically.  I quietly but quickly remove my feet from his coffee table and sit back up straight.

“Now,” he starts, “I expect that you didn’t tell anybody about our first little encounter in here?”  Is that what this is about?

“No,” I shake my head, remembering the embarrassment, but also remembering Caius’ more modern and unconventional (in regards to the Volturi), style choices.

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