Chapter 10 - A Messed Up Picture

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Previously on Chapter 9

“So… what are we going to do about your knee?” Demetri asks; I look down at my knee for the first time, realizing what he meant.  My eyes widen when I see the red liquid dotting it.  I reach toward it to try and wipe it off, but when I open my hand, I notice that there’s some on my palm too.

“Oh no,” I mutter, looking back up at Demetri’s dark eyes.

Chapter 10 – A Messed Up Picture

My mind is racing as I frantically look around at my surroundings.  I see the huge, now smudged mural on the cement that I’m currently sitting on. 

 “Everyone’s going to be so pissed,” I mutter under my breath as Demetri helps me up and brings me back into the castle.  He just laughs.  “What the hell is so funny?!” I snap at him.

“Well, you did just fall on top of a freshly painted mural, after it probably took the artist weeks to create,” he tells me, as if I don’t already realize that.  “And now you look like you were attacked by a blood savaging beast!”

“Huh, like a vampire?” I jauntily comment.  He gives me a look, but now I’m the one laughing, ha!  At least, until we see Aro coming our way with a man I’ve never seen before.  We stop in front of each other; Aro and the man are staring at the red paint covering me while I search Aro’s eyes for a hint of anger.

“What’s this?” he asks, looking between the two of us.

“U-uh,” I stutter, rubbing the back of my neck, “I kind of had a shoe malfunction outside, which caused me to fall and land on wet paint…” I trail off.  At that statement, the man beside Aro looks like somebody hit him with a bus.

“My mural!” he exclaims, taking off in the way we just came.  Ugh, this day just keeps getting worse doesn’t it?

“A shoe malfunction?” Aro asks curiously.

“Yes Master Aro,” Demetri says with his eyes closed, lowering his head in a slight bow, “we believe that the shoes were illegally sold to her by somebody who participates in the selling of hallucinogens uptown.  I was planning on looking into it later.”  I tear my gaze from my shoes to stare at Demetri in disbelief. 

“Actually I think I just need to learn how to pay attention to where I’m going,” I tell Aro, hitting Demetri in the side.

“Just go get yourself cleaned up,” Aro says, dismissing us.

“Yes Sir!” I answer, dragging Demetri with me. 

“So are we still having our flying lesson?” Demetri asks on the way back to my room. 

I sigh, “No, not right now anyways.  If we start now I’ll be late for my lesson with Chef Lavitto.”

“Ahh, I heard you were starting to learn Italian!” he grins.

“Yeah, well, I have to catch up to you and your four languages,” I tell him.  He laughs.

“Well, if Chef Lavitto isn’t around and you need someone to practice with, feel free to find me!”

“Doesn’t everyone here know Italian?” I ask.

“I don’t know why you would want their help when the awesome me is here!”  I narrow my eyes at his phrasing.

“You know, you remind me of somebody…” I tell him, studying his expression.  “Red eyes… for the most part,” I add in, seeing that they aren’t as vibrant as usual, “light hair, egotistical…”

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