Chapter 3 - Immortal Instruments

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Author's Note

It's been a week, hello again! Unlike my first story I'm still in the process of writing this one so there will be about a week between updates. I'm two chapters ahead in writing anyways, so I'm pretty sure I can stay up to date. If you like my story, please vote and comment! First person to comment on the story gets a DEDICATION! Thanks for reading! :D

Chapter 3 - Immortal Instruments

Jane and Alec stop in front of a large, wooden three-panel door and I can't help but wonder if the room it opens to is just as big proportionally. Alec swings open the door and sure enough, the room is four times the size of my bedroom back home, complete with my own bathroom! I just stand there in awe while Jane and Alec are already inside. "Are you coming in or not?" Jane asks irritably. I shake myself out of my shock and walk into the room. There is a large king sized bed against the back wall with cream colored sheets and a dark red canopy overhanging it. The walls are the same maroon color while the carpet matches the cream color. In the adjacent corner from the door I have my own entertainment system, complete with a flat-screen TV, DVD player, radio/CD player and bright red couches surrounding the area. Like the door, the wooden trimming of the room looks like a light cherry wood, I can only tell because it's the same color wood from my house. The closet and bathroom doors are the same.

In the midst of looking around, I see Alec placing a huge stone in front of my door to act as a stopper. "What's that for?" I ask.

"Most of the doors in the castle can only be opened by vampires. They are too heavy for humans to handle in order to keep out the nosier tourists," he explains.

"So I have to sleep in here with my door hanging wide open?" I question.

"You do unless you want to essentially lock yourself in here," he replies smiling. Great, now I can't even have privacy in my own room when I'm trying to sleep in a castle full of vampires? "Jane and I will take you shopping tomorrow so you can stock up on clothes and whatever you humans need," he tells me, showing no emotion. Jane, on the other hand, whips her head towards Alec and gives him a subtle glare. I'm guessing she wasn't informed on the matter.

"So what am I supposed to do here all day today?" I ask, looking between the two of them as they turn to leave. Alec just shrugs before he and Jane walk out together. I roll my eyes and start checking out the rest of the room.

I start with the electronics. The flat screen TV is sitting on an entertainment center, but upon closer inspection, I only see empty drawers where the movies should be. I decide to turn on the radio, but can't find a good Italian station with my favorite American hits so I make a mental note to find some good CDs tomorrow when shopping.

I then walk over the closet to see that it's actually a walk-in. The left side has an empty clothing rack, the right side has empty shelves, and the far end has empty drawers. Filling this closet up is definitely going to take more than a day's worth of shopping, not that I ever plan to buy nearly this much stuff. I shut the closet door and head over to the bathroom.

The bathroom isn't as huge and fancy like I expected it to be compared to the room it connects to, but I guess it's more for show since vampires really don't need bathrooms anyways. Regardless, it is still considerably larger than my parent's master bathroom at home. There's a Jacuzzi, shower, toilet, sink, another small supplies closet. The color scheme is the same as in the bedroom, except the floors are a dark hardwood instead of light. It's definitely the nicest bathroom I've been in.

After I'm done exploring, I make my way back into the main room and snuggle myself into the sheets of the warm bed. Once my head hits the pillow, serious jet lag starts to settle in and I try falling asleep, which I achieve in record time.

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