Bonus Chapter: Jace's POV #1

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A/N I apologise for any explicit language used in this chapter

Jace’s POV #1:


I was in serious shit.

I’m Jace Collins, the bad boy who got sent away when he was fifteen and returned with no intention of ever getting a girlfriend or you know falling in love? But then I met Marilyn Jenson. I wasn’t in love with her, I don’t think I was capable of loving a girl fully at the moment but being dragged around and parading as her boyfriend was seriously taking a toll on my life’s motto of carpe diem. I lived to seize the day, fuck, I seized any day and then next thing I knew I was holding hands with a very short girl in the park at night.

If this was the time to act like a gay guy then I might as well hand over my balls to the monastery.

Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t mind holding her hand or walking through the crowds of people that knew us. The fact that I could hold Marilyn’s hand without grimacing on the inside came as a genuine shock to my system of and I quote, ‘humping and dumping’ whenever I could. It was just being with her, the short girl with curly hair and a lot of attitude that made me realise just how much of my life was changing. And it was changing fast.

It felt like a damn epiphany.

So there I was, Jace Collins, holding Marilyn’s hand in the midst of the crowds of people who were gathered around Chesterville’s park for the fireworks display. I wasn’t sure when the fireworks display had become popular in Chesterville, but I did know that almost everyone-rich or broke-came together to watch the dazzling lights in the sky. It was something guys did with their girlfriends and it was exactly what I was doing with my ‘girlfriend’ Marilyn.

Shit, maybe I am gay.

“I think that’s a good spot,” Marilyn suggested, breaking into my thoughts.

I followed her gaze towards a spot near the front but still away from the crowd’s prying eyes and nodded. Pushing past the excited crowd, we made our way towards the small patch of grass that was left untouched. Unsure of what to do, I turned my eyes towards the rest of the people that were gathered around. Majority of the people were from school, all exuding a nervous yet excited feeling that consumed you within it. The feeling spread across the crowd, darting from person to person until it found its way into your gut and settled in nicely a lot like when you slipped on a snug fitting pair of gloves.

With a shuddering breath-one that I couldn’t really explain, I turned to face Marilyn who was staring off into the distance as we waited for the fireworks to start. In the darkened sky, the only lights emanating from the nearby lamp-posts caused a faint glow to spread across Marilyn’s face. I couldn’t help but smile slightly as I noticed the anticipation in her chocolate brown eyes. Her hair as always was disobeying gravity by sticking up in odd angles and unlike most girls who dressed in tight mini-skirts or shirts that revealed more than enough cleavage to make me a very happy Jace, Marilyn wore a simple pair of jeans and a long knitted sweater.

She must have realised that I was staring at her, because she glanced up and raised an eyebrow in my direction, “What?” she asked.

I grinned, showing her my set of teeth as I replied smoothly, “You look excited Pipsqueak.”

“Who wouldn’t be,” she stated with a smile of her own then leaned closer, “and besides, just look at Beth.”

I frowned, following her gaze and realised that she had found the blonde virus amongst the crowd. I didn’t have anything against Beth but- Fine I did have something against Beth. She was the type of girls that only spoke about fashion, never let her hair loose and screamed if she ever saw a stain on her shoe. In other words, Bethany Willows was a pain in the ass that got to the top of the social ladder just because she had the looks and bank account that would buy her the friends.

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