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  • Dedicated to To everyone who supported The Bad Boy



One month later...


"Can I open my eyes now?" I asked.

It had been a month since the warehouse confrontation, and a month since Jace and I had finally gotten a moment alone.

"Not yet," Jace replied. "We're almost there."

I sighed, "School was over at least half an hour ago. And it's a Friday, you do realise how weird it is for us to stay behind on a-"

"Okay, open your eyes," Jace instructed.

I frowned, but when my eyes opened, I found it shaping into an 'O'. We were in the school hall, where the Valentine's Dance had happened. Mrs Davis-who was head over heels in love with Dad-had explained that Jace and I had won but because we weren't there to collect the prize, Jane and Lance had won by default.

I didn't know what was better, knowing that we would have won, or knowing that Beth hadn't even had a chance at all. And now, Jace had brought me to the same hall. I glanced around, taking in the red streamers and heart balloons that hung from the ceiling. When I looked back at Jace, he was watching me in expectation.

"What is all this? I thought the hall cleared up the decorations weeks ago," I breathed.

Jace shrugged. "I thought that since we didn't actually go to the dance that we go now."

I stared at the hall again, and felt my chest swell. Before I could say anything, Jace stepped forward and mocked bowed-the bow that Mrs Davis had made us learn in preparation for the dance. My lips quirked into a grin as I slipped my hand into Jace's outstretched palm. His skin was warm, and his hand was bigger than mine, but somehow, it was a perfect fit.

"May I have this dance?" Jace asked.

I laughed. "But there's no music."

Jace grinned up at me. "Don't worry. I've got it all taken care of."

A few seconds passed, and slowly, music began to play. I frowned at Jace, who nodded towards the far end of the hall. I noticed a familiar face, grinning at me. Eliza. She skipped towards Jace and me, her expression teasing.

"You two have fun," she chirruped.

"Thanks?" I replied.

Eliza waved goodbye and slipped through the exits. My eyebrows furrowed, as I turned towards Jace, but he ignored my enquiring expression. Leading me towards the middle of the hall, Jace placed his hand on my shoulder, and took my other in his own. A shudder ran down my spine, and I was suddenly aware of just how alone we were.

"How did you manage to get keys to the hall?" I asked.

Jace quirked an eyebrow at me. "Don't you have a little faith in me, Pipsqueak?"

I stared at him. His shoulders sank.

"So I asked Mrs Davis for a favour and she was more than willing when she heard it was for this," Jace replied. The music grew louder, and Jace tugged me closer. "Now come on, you heard Eliza, we better start dancing now or we'll miss our cue."

I snorted, "We have no cues anymore." But I followed Jace's lead anyway.

Sometimes, it felt so surreal, knowing that Jace and I were no longer faking being a couple. After everything that had happened-police statements, sitting to talk to a therapist to make sure we were alright and having to deal with people at school looking at us weirdly-there hadn't been much time to actually sit down and talk to Jace about everything that had happened.

"You've gotten better at dancing," Jace commented.

I flashed him a grin. "Oh you know me, practising in my spare time."

"Really?" Jace drawled. "Because I'm so sure you were spending your free time with Juno and ice-cream."

"Have you been speaking to my father behind my back?" I scoffed.

Jace chuckled, "Maybe."

His laughter was contagious, and soon, I joined in, until the dance steps had ceased and we were just leaning into each other. Jace's grey gaze met mine, and I felt my breathing hitch. A warm feeling spread throughout my body and instinctively, I tilted my face forward. Jace glanced at my lips, and then, at my eyes again.

And then, he closed the gap between us.

My lips exploded with heat. Breathing in, I smelt Jace. His hands trailed up to either side of my face, holding on, as our mouths began to move in synch. My heartbeat galloped under my chest, and I could feel my stomach doing a thousand leaps and spirals that my knees grew weak. I latched onto Jace, steadying myself.

His mouth curved into a smile, breaking the kiss.

"Thank you for this," I whispered. I threw my arms around him, in a hug, hoping that he didn't notice just how lightheaded the kiss had made me feel. "It was really nice."

Jace's eyes lit up, with an expression that I hadn't quite seen before. It made my insides quiver, and was suddenly glad that no one else was around to witness us.

"I'm happy that you liked it," Jace murmured.

I breathed in again. "I'm really sorry about everything that happened. At the warehouse and-"

Jace shushed me. "Don't worry about it Pipsqueak."

"But I am," I emphasised.

Jace smiled softly. "I know you are, and it's okay. But I'd do it a million times again, if it means that I get to be with you, like this."

My mouth curled into a grin, and soon, Jace was kissing it away as he stole my breath.


A note from the author:

Hey everyone! Well this is it, the final post in The Bad Boy. I am so grateful to each and every one of you who voted, commented and simply read TBB. I would never have had the determination to finish it, without all of your support. I love you all for the time you took on The Bad Boy, and know that I will always remember and cherish the love and support. You guys are truly the best readers a girl could ask for!

Look out for my new story (especially if you read Becoming Popular), called Becoming Girly all about jealousy and love, and fake-dating (because I do love the idea). Link for more info:


Mona-Mae :)

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