chapter 2

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Mysterious black suitcase

Back to the present, the girl takes her hoodie off while running. That's exactly when we hear a familiar name. “Kelsey. Kelsey, come on, we can make it. Just have trust in me, OK?”  says the same man who was unclear on that dark night. “OK,......... I trust you, Zake” says Kelsey. Right then, Zake  notices a train approaching towards them. He runs and catches the door handle of the train. He gives his hand out to Kelsey, who was still shaking. Kelsey grabs Zake’s hand and Zake pulls Kelsey inside the train. Both of them had just gotten into the last container of the train. Taking a long breath, Kelsey starts imagining her new future, which she thinks will be bright, but little does she know what truly is awaiting her. Kelsi falls asleep on the train. 

                            Once again she subconsciously remembers that time. Kelsi was just 1 and half years old, it was the happy childhood of Kelsi which was about to disappear. During that time Kelsi’s grandmother didn't have any physiological problems or conditions.Maria was just normal to Kelsi only abnormality between Kelsi and maria during that time was that they sincerely loved each other to their cores like love and care between a mother and her daughter.One summer Kelsi and her grandma went to a park Kelsi was there for 1st time so she burst out in tears while expressing how she was so happy to her grandma. This made Maria  feel regretful vibes on herself , for not being able to take out her time for that poor child. Well it was not like she didn't want to but it was just that she had bigger problems in her pocket and yes..she had a son to deal with at home. Maria really felt sad for Kelsi so she tried her best to give Kelsi what Kelsi deserved, a mother’s love and father's care. After the death of Flora Kelsi’s mother. It was difficult for her to even survive. She looked at herself who loved her granddaughter, but she didn't know whether to look after herself or that innocent child who lost her only supportive character, her mother. Not only that but she also had a son who became mad after the death of Flora. Kelsey again sees her grandmother in blood telling Kelsi  to stay away from her. “Hey, you're right” Zake wakes Kelsi   up and says how she  freaking out and  shaking while sleeping.He holds her hands and tells her how it's alright. “I'm with you and our child. We will make a good future for our child where they can live freely”. After that, both of them giggle. Kelsi  brushed off a dream where her grandmother loved her, thinking it was just a dream she desired, but not reality. Her dad was at home trying to get some sleep, but all he was doing was going through family

albums until one photo drops. It was of his daughter, whom he had forgotten. He didn't even try to pick it up since he knew it was a photo taken after Flora’s  death from the date written on it. In that photo stood a little girl happily in a woman's hand and the little girl looked like none but  1/2 year old Kelsey going in the park for the first time with a woman who looked exactly like Maria in her 20s. Yep, Maria   was just a normal woman, a normal mother-in-law. After Flora's  death, she loved her granddaughter to bits. It was all normal.Well, when Flora gave birth to Kelsey, she died. It was no one's fault. Maria understood this, but she was disappointed in her son who blamed the poor Kelsy for it. She found out how she raised Karl to be a good son and a great and caring husband but it looked like she failed to teach him to  be a better dad to his only daughter. 

            Anyway, back to the present, Kelsi was feeling happy.Right then, the train stopped “looks like something happened” said Kelsi, when she turned around she saw Zake whose face turned pale and white. “Wha-what happened..Zake?” She shook him. After a few seconds “Quick” said Zake. He held Kelsi’s hand and climbed out of the stopped train. He climbed above it with Kelsi. There, Kelsi saw a big suitcase which was so black as to make it invisible in that horrific situation.

Zake quickly opened that unknown black suitcase and pushed Kelsi inside. Poor Kelsi didn't understand a thing. “Wait, what are you doing?” said Kelsi. “No, yo-you need to trust me, you get it, right? , Don't even try to peek from here i just want what's best for you and remember i will never regret doing this” he stopped and said “it will protect you”, Kelsi said “form what?” and there was a moment of silence until trembling Jake replied “your grandm-'' he couldn’t  finish his words as he heard footsteps. He hurriedly kissed her in her lips as if it were a last good bye and closed the chain of the black luggage and ran away from that spot. Inside Kelsi slowly said “m-my, my grand-grandma?” she trembles horrified at their current pitiful situation that was very complicated yet worth shedding a few drops of tears. Inside the suitcase Kelsi wouldn't  move a bit as she was paralyzed by the sudden entry of the word ‘Grandma’ in the future that she tried to change, the same fate that was supposed to be a good one for Kelsi but who knew, her fate was still unchanged. “Ahaaa '' Kelsi heard someone shout, she tried to move but she couldn't. 

“Kill him dont leave any of your trace behind, she must be here somewhere!” said Maria.

She moved towards the suitcase but couldnt see anything.Turns out that suitcase was black for a reason. “No, yo-you will never find her, hahaha i killed your daughter.” said Zake. “What do you mean?” said Maria. “Ha, you think I don't know? I knew that you killed my mother just because she was pitiful towards your stupid granddaughter who wasn't even worth it, can you believe my own mother died because of that girl, i couldn't feel my mom’s lovely hand rubbing my cheek  providing me heat instead, i was treated like a living corpse who would never feel cold even during snow or frost, i had to suffer all alone, i had to give you respect knowing that you were the one who caused my poor mother to die. It was that granddaughter who ate her mom and even mine. Right then Zake said “You will never find a dead body which has been given to the ocean” that's when he said goodbye to this painful life of his where he was like Kelsi. Actually more than that. He sacrificed himself for a girl he found more precious than himself, for a suffering poor life which he wanted to make better.” Kelsi heard all of it. “Move, please move," cried Kelsey, her body  paralyzed due to you know what. Soon there was no sound. Kelsi slowly comes out of the zipped suitcase. She could see that the sun was up and Zake,… he was not moving. She slowly goes there and sees how cruelly a knife was pierced through his heart. “Does it hurt?Zack, please reply. I know it hurts but you can't be silent please say yes, was it really grandma, did my grandma really kill your mom due to me…? Oh Zake why did you fall for me a wicked girl who ate your mother along with hers. How could you be so merciless as to love a monster like me, I can't take it from my grandpa, mom, father and now your mother. I can't help but try to end my life before any other people get harmed.. If you want me alive, please speak. I need answers and I need my changed fate back, my changed happy life, my bright future, our happy tomorrow that we tried to build together. We’ve reached this far and for that i just need you to say yes only a single word please at least say one letter…!” She cries, “please ,what did i deserve to get something like this,it-it all happened due to me right?let's end it, here and now” Kelsi grabs the knife and was about to pierce the knife in her stomach saying “let's meet again Zack and be happy in our afterlife, this time nothing can separate us”. In her grief, she was not able to escape the suffocating guilt, haunted by the sacrifice that had cost a life. The weight of remorse led her to a dark place with a desperate choice.

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