chapter 3. A big peice of news

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Kelsi  was about to pierce that knife, until “ouch”  she felt something in her stomach. she stared for a while then dropped the knife , folding her arms she again starts to weep and cry. 

           The baby. She wanted it to feel how good life is, how life is beautiful like a flower when she was walking on thorns, she wanted the baby to feel the warmth of a mother. The same warmth that Kelsi  always desired, but didn't get. Same love and care which was snatched from her. “How could I kill such a thing? Oh poor little baby. Trust me, it will be over. I will raise you. I know Daddy isn't here, but Mama's gonna love you.Sweetie”thought Kelsey.She was just 19 with a baby on the way.She was too young for all the pressure, but still the baby was like candle light, which was fragile in a dark night which tried to eat away the small light.The same fragile baby was Kelsey's only cause, a reason to live. “I'll make sure you grow up to become strong so that you won't long for your mother's love desperately like me . My baby, I love you.And I will always do. Even if you grow up in an orphanage. Remember that I loved you. It's just that I can't stay by your side. Mama, isn't that strong. Please. I hope you forgive me. Another thought pops into Kelsey's mind making her think about killing herself after giving birth to her precious one.Once again, she remembers her past. She longed for love and support, but no one was there. She then remember the same memory where her grandma was telling Kelsey to back off with her hands covered in blood.Kelsey again brushed of that feeling.She then remembered how she was treated until 19.When psychological problem of her grandma had gotten the best out of her, her grandma had to travel to different European countries as it was eating Maria from inside.Of course, Maria wanted to take Kelsey with her, but if she did, then there would be risks of Kelsey telling everyone about her condition. Maria still had a piece of brain, so she decided not to take Kelsey. Kelsey was relieved to hear that, after Maria’s departure, Kelsey ran off to the kitchen's back door. She hid through guards and jumped on a garbage truck. Again jumped out of it, hiding in a hoodie she went to a hut and knocked three times. “What's the passcode?” said a strange yet familiar voice. Kelsey replied. “It's me”.Then the voice again says “It comes in a square packaging. Open it and you'll see Circle.You eat it triangle. What is it?” “PIZZA.” replied Kelsi “Now let me come inside” said Kelsey hurriedly.  As the door opens, she runs inside to find Zake, “you knew it was me. Why bother with such a hilarious passcode? asks Kelsey. “It's for our own good, said Zake.” “Anyway, there's a huge piece of news that I want to tell you”. “Tell me, are we getting married?” asks Zake “No dummy” replied Kelsey. “Ok…don’t tell me-” Zake got interrupted by Kelsi “yes, i am pregnant” “what but i thought you finally agreed to run awa-”, there was a moment of silence “no way am i gonna be a father?”

   “Wait, wait, this calls for a celebration”. He shouted and hurried outside, telling everyone “I'm gonna become a father. Yay” situation series. Weird. But they were both happy. Kelsey had one and only thing in her mind that time, and it was to save him or her from maria and become a good mother who could provide them with all support care the baby needed she thought that she'll never leave the baby and let it suffer like her

                               “Hey, hey,” Kelsey gets interrupted by a crowd of people. She comes back to present from her past memories. Turns out people had come up hearing noises of someone weeping.They held Kelsey and took her down. Jake's dead body was also taken down. People tried to ask Kelsey what had happened, but she just couldn't speak. After a while, Kelsey lied and said she didn't know whose dead body it was.And how she went up only to get her luggage. People believed her as Maria and her group were doing inspections over there a while ago which made people still believe that Zake was killed by them and Kelsey just happened to see it.They stopped the train and buried Zake’s body with a simple sign of cross in a graveyard. Looking at the cross, Kelsey realizes her promise and says “I'm sorry, I understand I'm a completely horrible person and a terrible mother.For thinking of leaving you even after knowing the pain of not having a mother by your side. My baby. I want to apologize to you from the depths of my broken soul for how my actions and thinking went out of control, which would have resulted in serious hurt.To you, I was shellfish for wanting to leave you alone in this cruel world. Please accept my Apology”.Said Kelsey.Then she got inside the train.

                     Life sure was playing hard to get to Kelsey right now. She was already killed. She was like a living corpse. She was killed years ago from inside. All there was now was just a body, a shell. She did get emotional when she secretly married Jake as he was the most caring and Funny person, senior.He was her only family. He was the only one whom she lied to, whom she loved. Just when they were about to welcome a third member of their family who would do the same thing as Jake, Jake tried, Kelsey remembered. When Zake was so excited for the baby.He went to pick out clothes and guessed the baby to be a girl, but Kelsey always thought it was a boy and both argued in the past they both were happy, but now Kelsey was not having a little bit of emotions. She was like an emotionless woman who didn't had.Emotions from the beginning of her life, right from her birth.

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