final chapter 8. Candle light

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Hello 911? It's an emergency. Please come here to Rose wood station building no 20xxxxx”, said a lady when she could smell something really bad. 

               “Sir, when we knocked no one replied so we broke in and what we saw was unbelievable. There was a dead body of a kid who was being held by another dead body in her arms. By further inspection the woman looked like she was in her 20’s to 30’s and the kid looked like he was just a toddler. The women, i think she was the mother and attempted suicide along with her kid. Looks like it has been quite like two months since they died so their body is rotten, I have already sent it for postmortem, says a police officer to his senior. The senior replied, “was there anything special inside the room?” And he answered “ nothing, wait there was a gift, a school bag was wrapped inside it and there was a note which said “my zane i love you you can finally go to school, you said you wanted to go right?” and that's it”. “No matter how you look at it, this women looks like she loved him, i wonder what happened to her that she attempted suicide. Does anyone know her?”  “Yes a lady named Razel said she knew her but she had been in accident and doesn't remember anything, she did say that one day she was hurrying to hospital because someone collapsed but she has amnesia and is suffering because of the departure of her husband Daniel and her two kids michel and jordan in the same accident. Her third older daughter is in France. Okay write down the report, which room did you say it was? Oh sir it says room no 209

                              No matter how you look at it, Kelsi did what Zane wanted, she returned him back to his house and even gave him a gift when Zane left . Daniel and razel hurried and that was their last moment together. Kelsi probably couldn't tell this to zane. Talking about her grandma, she was still alive, fit and fine after getting treated. The shock of Kelsey's death in train led her to depression and she forgot all memory of her beloved granddaughter whom she tried to save from her husband{kelsi’s grandpa}. Yes Maria only wanted the best for kelsi but she accidentally pushed her own husband down the stairs right when kelsi entered. She thought that kelsi had thought of her as a murderer and couldn't take that pressure which had led her to become what she was now. An evil woman.

Soon even after getting treated she couldnt last longer and she gave up in the same hospital from where her grandchild whom she didn't even knew existed said goodbye. In the end Kelsey couldn't fulfill the last wish of Zake but she tried to fulfill wish of her cadel light but the candle had already gone off....


___to be continued

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