Chapter 17: Trust

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3rd Person's POV

Cassandra's voice trembled with despair. "I'm losing hope that we'll find an available chamber."

Nyx's response was firm and reassuring. "Just hold my hand and focus on running. As long as we're breathing, I won't let anything happen to you."

Cassandra nodded silently and continued to run alongside Nyx. Without them knowing, with each step they took, the danger drew closer. The predators, having finished their previous prey, are now on the hunt for fresh flesh, and the scent of the couple's fear lingers in the air.

Not long ago, the tranquility of the forest was shattered by the guttural growls of the predators.

Nyx tightened his grip on Cassandra's hand, a silent promise to protect her at all costs.

Cassandra sensed Nyx's anxiety, realizing it stemmed not from fear for his own life but from concern for hers.

"Don't worry too much about me," Cassandra reassured him. "Though I'm scared, I can handle myself."

Her words brought a sense of relief to Nyx, if only temporary.

Suddenly, a primal roar to their left signaled danger. A tiger lunged towards them, prompting them to crouch low and keep moving forward to evade the attack. Fortunately, they narrowly avoided the pounce. Yet, their relief was short-lived as three more tigers and pumas emerged in pursuit from a distance.

Nyx picked up on the distant screams, indicating the presence of other people nearby, possibly in hiding. He also observed that the tiger which had previously targeted them had now set its sights on another prey and was in hot pursuit. Surrounded by dried leaves, scattered flint, and sticks, Nyx concocted a daring and risky plan.

"Distraction," Nyx announced.

Cassandra looked perplexed. "So, are you suggesting we throw toys at them like they're normal house cats?"

Nyx shook his head. "No, but we can't outrun them. I have a plan. We need to climb the trees!"

Cassandra's skepticism was palpable. "That's your plan?"

Nyx chuckled in relief. "Your reaction only confirms your sanity."

Cassandra remained steadfast. "I'm dead serious!"

Calculating the distance of the charging predators, Nyx determined Cassandra had enough time to climb while he devised a makeshift deterrent.

"Just trust me. Start climbing, and I'll follow. We're short on time. Remember when we escaped the guard dog by climbing the tree in the schoolyard?"

"Well, tigers can climb trees and dog cannot!"

Nyx didn't respond but offered a reassuring smile.

Cassandra hesitated but had little choice. She began her ascent as Nyx swiftly gathered fist-sized pebbles and two thick sharp sticks.

To buy Cassandra more time, he scoured the area for tools to deter the predators. He grabbed a flint stone and a handful of dried leaves, all the while urging Cassandra to climb faster.

"I can't go any higher! I think 15 feet is enough!" Cassandra exclaimed, glancing down in confusion at Nyx, who seemed preoccupied instead of climbing up next to her. "Wait, what are you doing? Come up here! They're getting closer, and if you don't come up now, I swear I'll jump down there to save you or die with you!" Cassandra's frustration boiled over.

But Nyx didn't halt his efforts to create fire, striking the flint stone against the rough surface relentlessly. "If you do that, I'll never forgive myself, even in the afterlife!" Nyx shouted back to Cassandra, his determination unwavering.

Every second mattered as he frantically scraped the flint against a piece of dry tinder, the sparks igniting into small, flickering flames. The pressure mounted as he struggled to coax the fire to life within the tight time frame.

With the predators bearing down on him, Nyx's movements became more frenzied, and finally, a small flame burst forth. He added more dried leaves to make the fire denser.

"I'll throw these pebbles at you. Catch these, just in case they tried to move and pounce at me while climbing up there, just throw those pebbles to halt them!"

As Cassandra caught the pebbles, Nyx was surprised to find the pumas and tiger inching closer. Reacting swiftly, he grabbed a thick stick to use as a torch. However, one of the pumas remained undeterred and lunged at him.

"No!!" Cassandra screamed in terror for Nyx's safety. Time seemed to slow down as they faced the looming threat, as if it was the end of Nyx.

But luckily, Nyx has enough strength and bravery, confronting the puma head-on. Crouching down, he thrust the torch towards the puma's heart. The puma roared in pain and collapsed, gasping for breath as it lay in the throes of death.

With the fire now ablaze and the rest of the two predators recognized him as a not easy prey, Nyx breathed a sigh of relief as he watched them skid to a halt, their primal instincts also recoiling from the flickering flames.

In that fleeting moment of triumph, Cassandra felt a surge of happiness that brought tears to her eyes. She knew her boyfriend's quick thinking, bravery, and resourcefulness had saved him from imminent danger. However, their ordeal was far from over. The remaining two predators were biding their time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

"Climb now while they're distracted!" Cassandra shouted urgently.

"Take this stick! We'll use it to fend them off if they try to climb up!" Nyx tossed a piece of stick to Cassandra, and she caught it deftly.

As Nyx began to climb, Cassandra kept a vigilant watch on the predators, realizing they were starting to understand that Nyx would be vulnerable as he ascended.

Seeing their movement, Cassandra hurled rocks at them, causing the predators to feel threatened once again, making Nyx's ascent easier.

Just a moment ago, they embraced each other as they settled comfortably on the sturdy tree trunk.

"I thought I had lost you," Cassandra murmured.

Nyx remained silent, gently patting her back to comfort her.

After their tender moment, Nyx glanced downward once more, puzzled by the tigers and pumas' unusual stillness. It seemed they were waiting for something, which sent a shiver down on Nyx's spine.

"They shouldn't be acting like this. They should be trying to climb up," Nyx observed.

"Could it be because of the fire?" Cassandra asked.

"The fire is almost extinguished. I'm certain they're sensing something else."

Without them knowing, a grizzly bear, standing at a towering seven feet tall, lurked behind the tree, hidden from their view. Silent and furious, the bear plotted its attack, ensuring Nyx and Cassandra remained unaware of its presence.

Summoning all its strength, the bear used its powerful limbs to shake the tree. With a single pounce, Cassandra lost her balance and tumbled from her perch.

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