Chapter 7: The Weight of Sadness

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As the echoes of battle faded into the distance, Sans and Chara found themselves grappling with the weight of sadness that hung heavy in the air like a shroud of mourning draped over the remnants of their once vibrant world. Memories of past traumas haunted their dreams, their sleep disturbed by visions of a time long gone, when innocence still reigned supreme and the future seemed bright with promise.

Frisk, their boundless optimism a stark contrast to the darkness that threatened to consume them all, attempted to offer solace in the face of despair, their words of comfort falling like rain on parched earth, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the storm of sadness that raged within Sans and Chara's hearts. Yet, try as they might to push away the shadows that lingered at the edges of their consciousness, Sans and Chara couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness gnawing at them, a void that seemed to grow larger with each passing day.

As they grappled with their grief, Sans and Chara found themselves drawn together by a shared sense of loss, their bond deepening with each tear shed and each whispered word of comfort exchanged in the darkness of the night. They knew that their journey was far from over, that the road ahead would be long and fraught with obstacles, but they also knew that as long as they had each other, they could face whatever trials awaited them with courage and grace.

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