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☆ 162. Chapter 161 [Two in One]

Chapter 161 [Two in One]

Yang Qi looked at Lu Heng's soft expression that he had never seen before, and couldn't help but feel a lot of sadness in his heart.

He reached out and held Lu Heng's hand, patted the back of his hand, and kept saying: "Okay, okay. Xiao Heng, living is a very interesting thing. Only when you are alive can you meet the person who makes you happy." People who want to live."

His face was kind and his eyes were full of smiles. He quietly looked at the child who had grown into a young man in front of him, and saw the soft affection in his eyes, and was filled with emotion in his heart.

Yang Qi has always felt that he is a very failed elder. He built the Yicheng No. 01 bunker by himself, but he couldn't raise a child.

Lu Heng's mother... was the first child he raised.

At that time, he was twenty years old and the girl was only in junior high school. He was both an older brother and a father, and worked hard to raise him.

Later...the little girl grew up. She wanted a family that was connected by blood, so she gave birth to Lu Heng.

But when Lu Heng reached the age of junior high school, she seemed to feel that she was the parent she lost when she was in junior high school, so her children could also bear the pain of losing her in junior high school.

But she forgot that death, which cannot be violated, and being actively abandoned by the living are two completely different pains.

The lady has passed away, and Yang Qi doesn't want to comment on the choices she made.

But over the years, I have watched Lu Heng grow from the extreme and unruly teenager to a calm person who is indifferent to his own life. He couldn't express the anxiety in his heart.

How many times he would look at Lu Heng after a busy day and feel guilty.

He took the child to his side, but was unable to give him more care. All the things in the bunker occupied all his time. Lu Heng could only digest the confusion, loss and pain by himself. He eventually carried them and grew into a person who was indifferent to himself.

So when he goes on a mission, he always works very hard. Others say that he can handle things and that he is strong and capable. But Yang Qi knew that he just didn't care much.

He doesn't care about his situation, nor his life or death.

He could only tell Lu Heng again and again to come and see him when he got back from the mission. He wanted to use this to add a shackles to Lu Heng and let Lu Heng know that there were still people in the family who were thinking about him.

But now, his child finally met such a person.

A person who made him willing to surrender and put on the yoke.

"Okay. That's great." Yang Qi kept saying, "Let me guess...is it Zhouzhou?"

Lu Heng looked surprised: "Teacher?"

"You can't fool me." Yang Qi said with a smile, "If it weren't for Zhouzhou, there would be no one else."

Lu Heng couldn't help but laugh: "It's him."

Yang Qi said cheerfully: "I knew it could only be Zhouzhou. Only he is the best The different one."

Most of those who were the same age as Lu Heng grew up when the bunker was struggling to survive. When I was a child, I never saw the sun and didn't get much love.

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