Chapter 8

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Mom and dad frowned at me as Jacob led me back to our seats.
       “Where did you go Kat?”.Dad asked.
       “She needed a bit of air”. Jacob answered before squeezing my hands.
       “You shouldn't run off like that”.Mom said.
       “There are a lot of tourists around here”, Dad continued, “So we don't know who to trust completely, you could bump into anyone”.
       “I'm always careful dad" .I said.
       “I know that but your actions today didn't prove so, I mean you didn't even inform us you were going out, Jacob was the only one who saw when you left and that was when he came to get you”.
       “I saw her talking to this guy, he looked really rugged and creepy”. Jacob whispered.
       “Thanks Jacob”.I frowned.
        “I only said that because I do care for you”. Jacob murmured.
      “But you just made the matter worse”.I murmured back.
       “Kathy?”.Dad called.
       “Yeah" .I looked away trying to create a deviation, “Awnn look at that cute baby clinging to his momma, isn't that cute”.
Mom smiled, “Yes he is, that's why you should get married and have one”.
       “Oops, I think my words just backfired”.
       “How are you guys enjoying this restaurant”.Dad smiled widely.
       “It's elegant”. Peter looked up and for the first time I realized he was smiling at me.
        “It's classic and I really love the traditional design”. Hilly says.
        “Told you it had been a good choice”.Dad grinned.
        “Tomorrow night is going to be a grand family party!!”.Dad raised his voice and I could see people glance our way.He leaned towards us, “Was that going too far?”.
        “Yeah definitely”.Mom shook her head.
        “Now we are done I think I should be paying my

        “Forgive my manners but would you like us to order something for you?”.
         “No of course not, I came here with friends, we actually came to tour the beauty of Acropolis”.
         Dad's face lit up , “We are actually staying there for our vacation, we came over to Athens to enjoy a decent meal  in this lovely restaurant”.
        “Fair enough, I gotta be going”.Francis smiles.
        “We will be going back today”.
        “Oh”.Dad says lightly.
        “We could catch up later right?”.
We watched as they both exchanged numbers and then he walked off.                     
        “Sweetheart, I think you should pay the bill and let's go home”.Mom says to dad.
        “Right”.Dad drops the paycheck on our table, “That would do”.
        “Now could we get going, with this load of food I really need a rest”. Peter rubs his stomach while Hilly smiles at him


I walked out of the bathroom still wet from the shower, after getting changed, I walked into the living room to find Hilly scribbling in a little book.
        “Hi girl!”.She grinned and I looked around to check if there was another girl with us, “Of course it's you silly”.She gestured towards me.
        “Hi Hilly”.I really don't have a clue on why everyone is acting all nice, first it was Jacob who really acted all weird, then Peter being all brotherly and now someone I hadn't even thought of as ‘Hilly!’.
        “How was your night?”.She asked.
        “We really had fun at the restaurant the yesterday day didn't we?”.Hilly grinned widely
        “Sure we did”.
She nodded and proceeded to whatever she was writing in that book.
        “What are you up to?”.
        She stared at me in disbelief, “You don't know?, I mean dad mentioned it over lunch yesterday”.
        “Maybe I was in a hearing mode”.I smiled.

       “We are having a family party, a private one”.
      “Right, he did mention it”.
       “And I am in charge of the activities and blah".She handed me a list of the activities.
She listed at least five activities already, the included chess, table tennis, tasting, craziest moment, fun talk.
       “The activities are great right?”.
       “Yeah, it's really great”.
       “And I made provisions for food, actually mom is handling that”.
        “Nice”.I smiled.
        “And you could be in charge of”.She stops to think, “decorating?”.
I gave her a disappointed glare, “Of course not Hilly, it's just a private family party and I am not sure decorations will be part of that”.
       “Your right”.She frowned.
       “You're doing great”.
        “I have to, I am announcing my pregnancy today and I really need to make this fun and exciting for Peter while I break the news to him”.
        “You don't have to make a big deal out of the party just to make it fun for him, the idea of becoming a
father would be too exciting for him”.
        “I know but I also want to make the moment a memorable one”.
         I shook my head, “You just need to listen”.
        “Of course I will”.
I walked over to make coffee.The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as I stood at the kitchen counter, carefully measuring out the grounds. I could feel the warmth of the morning sun streaming through the window, and I took a moment to savor the quiet stillness of the early hour. As the coffee percolator, I sat back watching the window.
I gazed out the window of the apartment, taking in the view of the Acropolis in the distance. The morning sun glinted off the white marble of the Parthenon, casting long shadows across the hills of Athens. I could hear the faint sounds of the city waking up, the sounds of cars honking and people chatting on the street below. . I took a deep breath and felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over .
Mom rushed down the stairs, dressed in a blue gown and she smiled widely.

        “Hey you two”.
Hilly walked over and planted a kiss on her cheeks, “Morning Mom”.
       “Hi mom”.I poured some coffee for myself and some for mom and Hilly.
        “Where are you off to?”. Hilly sips her coffee quickly.
        “I'm off to Athens, I need to get stuff for cooking especially for tonight”.Mom winked making Hilly giggle.
        “Mom, do you need company?”.I asked.
        “No I don't, it's shopping not sight seeing Kathy”.Mom drew out her mirror and began powdering her face gently.
        “Mom, do you mind getting Burgers?”. Hilly asked quietly.
         “Yeah I did have that on my mind”. Mom gazed at the book Hilly held closely, “What's that, you have been awfully busy with that book since I got here”.
        “It's the list of things mom, you know activities we would do during the family party”.
         “Can I take a glance?”.Mom held out her hands.
        “No mom”. Hilly says.

       “Why?”.Mom frowned.
       “It's a surprise plus I don't want anything to be changed”. Hilly explained.
        “You know mom, she has a point”.I agreed.
Hilly, still holding tight to her book, turned towards me and smiled, “Thank you sis”.
I heard mom gasping, “Sis?”.She asked softly, I bet she might be wondering if she might be hearing things or if her daughter and her son's wife were truly friends.
       “Is anything wrong mom”.Hilly patted her back.
       “You guys just made my day and I know this family time was truly a good choice”.Mom beamed widely.
       “I really think you should get going”.I said to mom.
       “Okay, you guys take care of yourselves”.
       “Bye mom!”.Hilly and I responded in unison as we watched mom walk out of the front door.
        “Back to work”.Hilly began scribbling on her book and I headed to the kitchen to get more coffee for myself.
        Peter walks out of his room, looking really sleepy and tired, he smiled at me. “Good morning Kathy”.
       “Didn’t you get enough sleep?”.I asked.

         “I did but I think I need more rest”.He yawned loudly.
        “Coffee?”.He nodded in response and I poured his coffee into a mug and handed it over.
         “What are you girls up to?”.He sipped his coffee slowly.
         “Not much”.Hilly responded.
         “But you have been quiet since I got here”.
         “Nothing to worry about darling, just Hilly being herself”.They both grinned at each other.
        “I will be headed to my room, I need to clear things”.I announced leaving the room immediately and not waiting for a reply.

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