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Comment for motivation!

"I told you not to look," Nadia hissed, "it's nothing. It's probably just—"

Just what? Aruna had just left and it seemed the universe had already begun to play tricks on him. Did they hate him or something? Y/n hadn't committed any actual crimes before in his life—okay, maybe the pineapples on pizza he had eaten once was a bit of stretch—but what was this nonsense? He was matching with his ex-crush's brother on a app for mythological creatures mere hours after his boyfriend left.

It seemed that the person he matched him must have also gotten the notification, for he whirred around. Their eyes met, and Y/n hitched at the crystal clear similarities that were evident. Long, gleaming silver hair (Y/n wondered if he told people around that it was hair dye), and the strangest yet most captivating cat-like eyes, that was a light pink. The light bounced off it, making his whole self...glow. His skin was tanned, like he often went to the beach.

Y/n glanced down at his phone. Caspian, it read. Long ago, when Y/n had a crush on his brother, he had wondered why he had worn contacts—and had hair dye. But it looked so effortlessly natural and good on him that no one questioned it. And now it made sense. If Caspian had the exact same hair—and eyes—

A merman. So they were part of the app too.

Y/n wasn't quite sure what he was expecting, but the following reaction that happened wasn' his books. Aruna had been sweet. Jin had been...ugh. But now Caspian?

Caspian's eyes narrowed, his mouth turning into a scowl that ruined his pretty features. With a roll of his eyes, he merely shoved his phone in his pocket and strode away.

Y/n gaped.

"Wow, asshole much?" Nadia shrugged. "Dude has to pull that stick out his ass."

"He's probably just not a morning person." Y/n sighed, "plus, I'm thankful for this. If he isn't seeking a relationship, and I'm already in a relationship...doesn't it all work out? It's for the best."

"That's looking on the bright side. I mean, I've never actually seen a merman before. Dragons? Yes, because technically, we're the same kind. But woah, they sure look good. All pastel like colors, but there's the more sinister ones."

"You've never seen one?" Y/n tilted his head curiously.

"Never," Nadia confirmed, "it's common knowledge they get to cure curses, but no one really has curses now. Immortality is perhaps counted as a curse for the dragons, but for the nagas? We don't see our poisonous fangs as a threat. We see it as something to help us." She smiled, revealing her two sharp teeth.

"That is a cool power..."

"And it's useless. I think we're much better." Nadia winked. "But I have to give it to him. He's like, a really famous artist, you know? I just googled it. Aruna has competition."

"Did you even see the way Caspian glared at me just now?" Y/n scoffed, "he's treating me like I'm a mortal enemy. Not a..." He sighed. "Not this stupid star crossed shit everyone believes in."

Nadia wasn't listening. She grabbed his hand and started dragging Y/n along the streets.

"So you're interested." She said flatly.

"What? I'm not." Y/n protested, "I'm grieving the loss of my boyfriend, and the only thing you can tell me right now is that I'm interested in Caspian? And he's an artist? God. I bet he's those modern art people who rip people off—"

"They say art is the key to one's soul. This is his art gallery. You can see for yourself," Nadia smiled devilishly, "are you in? Or not? Tickets are on me."

𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | yandere [BL] ✓ Where stories live. Discover now