Story #1 (The Solitude Of Kagamine Len)

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A gentle breeze swept by, sending a thrill of anticipation through me. The sun cast its brilliant rays over the tranquil field of flowers, its warmth bathing my skin and filling my heart with a cozy glow. Inhaling deeply, the scent of blossoms filled my nose, creating a sense of contentment as I stood in the midst of a luminous, sun-drenched field atop the hill. Soft piano tones floated through the air, crafting a melody as if guided by gentle hands playing tender, melodious notes.

I hummed in harmony, my gaze wandering over the vibrant flowers in the field. I lightly brushed my fingers against them before lying down on the ground, smiling softly as I looked up at the clear blue sky. My eyelids fluttered shut, and that's when a dreamlike, familiar voice reached my ears, cutting through the silence as the piano's melody came to an abrupt halt. "Lennnn~," came a voice, accompanied by a gentle poke on my cheek. The playful gesture caused one of my eyelids to flutter open.

A warm, friendly face came into view with its familiar round features, crescent-shaped eyes, and flowing blonde hair styled into a bob. It was neatly tied up with a cute white satin ribbon. It was my elder sister's face, Rin. She was caressing my cheek, bending down to reach me. "You seem really sleepy, huh?" She shifted my head onto her lap, her fingers softly running through my hair. "Did you like my piano playing that much?" She cocked her head and laughed gently, causing my cheeks to flush a light shade of pink. Before I could even respond, Rin was looking down at me with a gentle smile, her tender gaze making me feel melted in her touch.

"Yeah, it was nice," I admitted with a soft chuckle, meeting her gaze. Her eyes, a mesmerizing mix of brown and blue, seemed to draw me in, making me forget any troubles or worries. "You know, you should play more... with me," I suggested as I began to sit up, now facing her directly. Rin towered over me, taller just by an inch. Compared to her average build, I was skinnier. Despite the hours that set us apart in age, she was my twin, through and through. "I can play piano as well.." I mumbled, looking at the flowers that surrounded us. She smiled at me, and her eyes were like windows of harmony and understanding, with playfulness. Nothing really hidden in those eyes, just some kind of openness, willingness to meet at that level where we connect; "I'd love to play more piano with you," I said, my voice on the high, adding on. Rin laughed, although she didn't even utter a word. She laughed and took my hand. The laugh itself was a melody. She grabbed my hand softly but eagerly and led me towards the piano in the direction of waiting for it. This was no mere piano, but rather an ancient, grand instrument, the black varnished into a sheen in the sunlight as it reclined atop the hill amidst the sea of flowers. Its presence there, at the very heart of the hill flower field, felt like it came from a dream scene.

Rin gracefully took her place at the piano, settling onto a wooden stool that boasted a soft, colorful cushion. It stirred a faint sense of familiarity in me, yet my attention was solely captivated by her. She made herself comfortable, then her fingertips lightly brushed the keys in anticipation. Her eyes, locking onto mine, beckoned me closer, inviting me with a gentle scoot to share the seat. I obliged, sliding in beside her, our closeness allowing me to mirror her posture and hand movements. Her fingers danced across the strings like delicate butterflies, their gentle movements evoking a sense of harmony that filled the air. With each note, she brought my mind into a state of peacefulness, the melody serving as a backdrop for memories of times long ago.

Sitting beside her, our arms brushed briefly in a subtle and playful way, I was reminded of a familiar warmth, not too long ago. Rin's attire caught my eye—a warm cream-colored satin baby-doll dress that made her resemble a figurine from a childhood music box, as pretty as ever. Glancing down at my own outfit, I noticed the similarities, though instead of a dress, I was adorned in puffy ruffled shorts with knee high socks, shoeless.Her eyes were closed, and eyelashes pointed downwards hinting she was focused, quite literally feeling the music. I watched her, peeking at my playing for a bit.. but it didn't help as she felt so breath-taking. I smiled softly, looking back at the keys humming along, before she started to do the same. We looked at each other for a bit, starting to chuckle in synchronization, our voices overlapping with one another.

I paused, releasing a sigh before my gaze locked intently with Rin's. "...I want to stay with you, forever.. you know? I know it sounds embarrassing to say out loud, but you're my other half." A chuckle escaped me, a light-hearted attempt to ease the weight of my confession, as I gently placed my palm over hers. Although her hand was slightly larger, our sizes were comparable. "I enjoy being with you, onee-san," I admitted, leaning my head onto her shoulder and softly closing my eyes. Although her reaction remained a mystery, shrouded in silence, I felt a deep sense of acceptance from her. The way she effortlessly allowed me to lean against her, it was as if her silence spoke volumes, echoing my sentiments without a single word.

As Rin's hand gently caressed my back, I sensed a warmth emanating from her, as if she was subtly radiating happiness. Her words, however, carried a hint of melancholy, "If only I wasn't gone, I'd be there for you." She gazed down at me, her expression evident with a melancholy I hadn't seen before. Confused, I looked up at her, my brow furrowed in puzzlement. "Huh? What do you mean?" I questioned, sitting up straight to face her directly. The ambiance around us transformed, with the lights dimming to a soft glow, casting long shadows across the landscape. The flowers, once vibrant and swaying gently in the breeze, now appeared frozen in time, as if the entire field had been captured in a still frame. A strange feeling started to fill up my stomach, and it wasn't a very good one if it felt overwhelming and nauseating.

She paused, sighing before turning away from my gaze. "Len, I'm gone," Rin's voice echoed, its tone empty and hollow, transforming the air between us. As she spoke, her figure began to fade, becoming paler and more translucent, a ghostly version of herself. Her dress remained unchanged, the warm cream color of the satin fabric stark against her fading presence, making her appear even more ethereal, like a specter from a bygone era. "No.." I breathed, feeling my throat constricting around my words, my heart pounding within my chest. "No..." I couldn't process what was happening. My head began to spin, thoughts racing through my mind, images flooding my view, blurring into a collage of flashes and memories. I watched in horror as Rin faded into nothingness, becoming a faint outline amongst the field of flowers, disappearing into thin air. I couldn't scream, I couldn't move, I couldn't even think. The only thing I could feel was an unbearable loss.

"It's time to wake up, little brother," she smiled, her voice a whispering echo that died away completely, leaving me to the haunting silence, clutching at the impression of her that remained.

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