Story #3 (VERY SHORT) Friendship.

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In the empty cafe owned by MEIKO, An Shiraishi and Len Kagamine found themselves alone together. The place was quiet, a rare moment when the buzz of the SEKAI seemed to pause. They filled the silence with their own stories and laughter, quickly feeling like they were friends for years. The cozy atmosphere of the cafe, with its soft lights and comfy chairs, made it easy for them to chat and hangout.

As their conversation flowed, Len felt a strong admiration for An. He reached out, his hand slightly smaller and slender, and gently placed his palm on hers. With a big, warm smile, he looked into her eyes. They lifted their glasses of lemonade, the clink of their glasses adding to the moment's special feeling.

"You're amazing, An," Len said, his voice sincere and full of admiration.

After Len's heartfelt words, a small smile formed on An's lips, and a light blush painted her cheeks. Touched by his sincerity, she reached out and gently patted Len's head, a gesture of affection and camaraderie. To her surprise, Len responded with an immediate hug, wrapping his arms around her in a warm embrace. Initially taken aback, An's smile only grew wider, and she hugged him back, feeling a deep sense of connection and friendship. In that moment, the quiet of MEIKO's cafe, they felt as they were creating a harmony with the determination of their hearts filled with friendship and love.

After what seemed like a while, they stopped hugging and looked into each other's eyes for a moment, giggling a bit.. fist bumping. 

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