Chapter 9- Bliss Shifted Fast

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*Thank you, loves, for all the support. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and comment bellow anything on your minds. God bless you all! You can find me on here, Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr, Patreon, and I have a GoFundMe to help publish book one of this series. Any help is greatly appreciated wether financial or spreading the word about it or my works. If you know someone who would enjoy Distorted Reality, share it with them. As an Indie author, it's hard to spread the word. Thank you all again. <3

At the stove, finishing up the stuffing, Kalston has his arms around my waist. It's strange how comfortable I've become with him. How much I crave his touch now. I always imagined it would be so when falling in love, but reading it and actually experiencing it are two different things. It feels familiar in a way. After so long of avoiding touch, it's nice to have no guard around it. To have it come naturally with someone else other than Bailey.

My phone chimes, and reminds me that there are others coming today. Ash and Railey are already here, but in no time, our home is going to be packed. He wanted to come early to adjust before everyone begins to flood in as his anxiety is just about as bad as mine. Bailey even let him know that her room can be his escape when he needs time away from the crowd. Right now he's enjoying the outside while Riley is doing something with Bailey in her room.

"Hey, will you check that for me?" I ask Kalston as I want to get the stuffing done as soon as possible. Everything else is in or ready to be, so I get to chill from cooking once this is done.

Thank you, God.

"No problem, Love."

He grabs my phone, and I'm already missing his touch. I realize only now how it seemed to be keeping me calm.

Just breathe, it will all be fine.

'But what if..."

No, everything will be fine.

"It's your brother. He says that they're here. I'll go greet them while you finish up, Love. I have to check on the turkey anyway."

Smiling his way, it is nice to have his help.

"Thank you."

A quick grin from him, he heads off, and I finish up. Footsteps head into the kitchen not long after, and I assume it's one of the guys already coming in. Jonathan said he was going to pick up Canton along with a plus one. I was nervous about a stranger coming, but I also didn't want someone to be alone today.

I speak up while putting the last of the stuffing in the muffin tin. I know it's rude not to face your guests when they come in, but not doing so is helping to keep my anxiety down. I was hoping to have a moment before everyone got here. Thankfully, I already got ready, but I still wanted time to get my head on straight.

"Hey, guys. Drinks are in the fridge if you want any, bathrooms straight ahead in the hall if anyone needs it, T.V. is free, or you're welcome to head to the porch if you want, Ash is there, just make yourself at home."

'Make yourself at home? Why'd I say that?'

Because it's polite.

'And if they do something to make you feel not at home?'

'You're overthinking this. It's fine.'

Breathe, just breathe.

"Okay, thanks. I'll grab you two a drink if you want to head out."

Jonathan speaks up and two sets of steps head to the sliding door. One hesitates.

'Just breath.'

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