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"Fuck you Tully," Lola's fist clenched as she seethed with anger, her face red hot as she stared up at the tall boy.

Angus smirked cockily, "Hm didn't know you had such a dirty mouth, Lola. Do you talk to mommy like that?"

She was basically shaking with anger as her fingernails dug into her palm, "Do you get off on this? Do you like to piss people off, Tully?"

His smirk didn't leave as he leaned against the phone booth, "More or less."

"Ugh!" She groaned in frustration as she pushed past him, "I hate you Tully. I hope I never see your stupid face after Christmas."

"You'll be eating those words, Mitchell," His smirk dropped as he watched her rush out of the room.

𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 ; Angus Tully Where stories live. Discover now