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  The exam booklet slammed down on Lola's desk as she snapped out of the daydream she was having. Mr. Hunham was mumbling something as he continued down the row.

  In big red ink a 'C+' was written along with a scribbled  'Improved!'.

  Lola sighed placing the paper down. All A's and B's in every other class but she was hardly pushing a C- from ancient civ. She quietly looked through the handwritten paper, reading his little notes on the side.

  "I will offer a makeup exam," That got her attention, as she looked up to the front where Mr. Hunham was, "You'll get a second run at this after break," The class broke into whispers, "Of course, it will not be the same exam, you will be responsible for new material as well. Your grade will be an average of the two. Now get out your books."

As he instructed the class, Angus Tully spoke up, Lola glanced over at the boy beside her, "No offense sir," As he began, Lola bit the inside of her cheek, ready to hear whatever nonsense he was about to say, "But is this really the best time to be starting a new chapter? I mean we all appreciate the, exam gesture," He nodded towards the window, "But our families are here."

Lola wished her family was out there. It was a selfish wish but a wish nonetheless. She held back the scoff she wanted to give Tully as she leaned in her seat, crossing her arms as the boy continued on.

"Most teachers have already canceled classes," Angus said, "We have chapel in forty minutes, then we're out of here. I mean, our heads are elsewhere."

Mr.Hunham looked away from his book, "And where exactly is your head Mr. Tully?" He asked

Angus shrugged, "Uh, I don't know, St. Kitts."

Lola rolled her eyes, of course he was going to St.Kitts. No telling where the rest of these boys were going. She prayed all of them would be far away from here so she could at least have a nice and quiet Christmas break. Not that she talked to anyone besides the resident football player, Jason Smith.

  "I just think it's a little absurd to start new material sir," Angus added.

  "Well, I'd hate to be absurd!" Mr. Hunham smiled, "so let's scuttle the whole thing, shall we, and let the original stand!" Lola flinched as the man slammed the textbook, "Make sure you read your books."

  Mr.Huham grabbed his things and left the class, Lola watched as he did, the rest of the class turned towards Angus.

  "I got us out early didn't I?" He shrugged.

  "Nice going, Tully." Lola rolled her eyes, grabbing her bag, pushing past some of the boys who were glaring at Angus.

  Chapel was just as dreadful as she picked at her nails, not listening to a word the headmaster was saying. Lola was lost in her on world, all she wanted to do was throw herself on her bed and go to sleep. She just wanted Christmas break to be over.

  All she wanted was to go back home.

  After chapel had let out, she watched sadly as the other students left with there families. She sighed as she was the last person to make it to the boys dorm common room.

  Lola sat right next to her "kinda" friend,
As she was calling him, Jason Smith, and in addition to Jason there was Teddy Kountze and two younger boys she had never met before. 

  She frowned a little as Mr. Hunham walked in the room, her nose scrunched, "I suspect, just like me, this is not the way you want to spend your holidays," He clapped his hands together, making Lola flinch a little, "But such are the vicissitudes of life, and as Barton men...and uh women... we learn to confront our challenges with our heads held high and with sprit of courage and good fellowship- in strict accordance with the dictates of the manual, of course!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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