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  The human civilization class was packed as she walked in, making her way to the back of the class, she spotted the same curly-haired boy who she had seen at mass. He didn't even look up at her.

"Is this seat taken?" Lola pointed to the seat next to him.

"No," He glanced at her as she sat down, placing her bag on the ground.

  "Thanks," Lola muttered, as she grabbed her notebooks from her bag, "I'm Lola-"

  "Angus Tully," He said, not taking his eyes away from the window.


  Lola's eyes widened a bit as she nodded her head. She glanced over at Teddy, looking for a reaction but he was busy talking to a guy next to him.

"Good morning," The teacher, whom Lola only knew as Mr. Hunham walked into the room, passing out papers. She scrunched up her nose a bit as he stopped in front of her desk, "Ah, Miss Mitchell I take it? Welcome to Human Civilization," He placed the paper down on her desk as he briskly walked back to the front of the class.

Lola frowned at the sheet in front of her, words she didn't know the meaning of, weird maps, and a totally different language littered the page.

"Now before we start," Mr. Hunham looked back at her, "Have you ever taken a civilization class before, Miss Mitchell?"

She flushed, "No...No sir."

  "Oh." He nodded, "Well have you ever taken Latin?"

  "We didn't have Latin at my old school, sir," She shook her head, "I've only taken French."

  "Well..." He furrowed his eyebrows, "You'll just have to work extra hard then!"

  Lola held back the quick tears that had flooded her vision as she nodded and mumbled a 'yes sir' to the teacher. As Mr.Hunham began teaching she blinked back the embarrassment, quickly scratching down the notes she didn't quite understand. By the end of the class, she had filled up almost two pages full of notes.

  "They have tutors at the library," Angus said, standing up from his desk and grabbing his bag, "You'll definitely need 'em."

  She blinked at him a little confusingly, "Sorry?"

  "Tutors?" Angus repeated, "Did you not have those at your old school either?"

  She felt a dark flush cross her cheeks as she blinked back at his sudden bluntness, "We did. Sorry, I just didn't hear you."

"You should really stop apologizing," Angus walked past her, "It's annoying," he said as he walked out of the classroom, leaving her alone.

Lola quickly gathered her stuff and headed to the next few classes.

  AP literature was fairly easy, as she had already excelled at her other English classes at her other school. She didn't say much in the class, opting to sit in the back, drowning out much of the teacher's rambling.

  Typing and penmanship was exactly what she thought it'd be, secretary work. It was just her and the front desk lady, Ms. Crane. She basically just helped around the office for an hour as Ms. Crane showed her how to fill out certain paperwork.

  Home economics was as boring as she had thought it would be. The school mustn't have had a teacher for her because one of the lunch ladies was there teaching her to cook and sew. Miss Mary Lamb was a sweet and fun lady to be around. By the end of the class, Lola had decided it was much better than some of the other classes.


A few weeks had passed since her first day at school, the same routine almost daily. Class and then to the library where she was getting help in Latin and then back to her quiet dorm.

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