Info and Headcanons

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Hi!!! Before I start the fanfiction, I wanted to put out some of these headcanons. Totally fine if you don't agree with all of them, this is just what I think what the main four would look like/ do in my fanfiction :)

Let me know your thoughts and if I should add more!!

All heights and birthdays are from the Sally Face Wiki.

ALL ARTWORK IS DONE BY YOURS TRULY (me)- feel free to use, just please credit me!!
(don't dog on me I spend like five minutes on each of these lmao)


AGE: 18

Birthday: December 13th, Sagittarius 

Height: 5'6" (168cm)

-Bi, swings towards women

-His eyelashes, eyebrows, and ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) hair are all dark blue.

-Got all of his piercings done by Ash because he was too scared to go into a parlor. (Four piercings in each ear, snake bite piercings on his lip, and a tongue piercing)

-Has tattoos on his back and arms.

-Wears way too many rings.

-Absolutely TERRIFIED of all dogs (no matter how big or small).

-His nose bleeds a lot (tissue is very sensitive).

-Gets a tan line from his mask in the summer (and burns hella fast).

-Drinks on rare occasion, but smokes almost as much as Larry.

-Gives the best hugs

-Sticks things through the hole in his cheek; thinks it's funny.

-Physical touch is his love language

-"Sleep is for the weak."

-Studying to get his Bachelor of Music (BM).

-Works from home; accountant for a health insurance company (naturally good with numbers). Ironically hates going to the doctor/hospital.

-Has anger issues, but masks it very well (obviously).

-Takes hygiene very seriously

-Takes hygiene very seriously

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Age: 19

Birthday: August 16th, Leo

Height: 6'1" (185cm)


-Half Hispanic; definitely swears in Spanish when Sal beats him at a game. 

-His hair is his most prized possession.

-Let Ash dye his hair once, hated it, but never told her because he likes her and didn't want to hurt her feelings.

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