Chapter 6: Stormy Night Pt. 1

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-Hello!! I'm seeing a few readers taking interest in this story and I'm so excited to see people actually reading this!!! Please let me know what you guys think or if you have any suggestions!! Also I'm so sorry these updates are coming out slow, I am trying to figure out how I want this story to play out T T

TW: Mentions of Death/Murder/Suicide

It's been a week since you last hung out with the gang. School started getting busy again and with your new job, you had no time to spare for your friends. As you're getting ready for your shift, you receive a text from no one other than Sal.


SAL: Hey! You working today?

Y/N: Unfortunately :( Why do you ask?

Sal: Aw damn, I was hoping you'd want to hang with me and Larry.

Sal: What's the name of the restaurant you work at again?

Y/N: Yeah sorry... It's called "The Place".

Sal: ... is it actually?

Y/N: I'm not kidding.

Sal: Well, alright... what time you go in today?

Y/N: About to go in now. I'm closing so I won't be out until like 10PM.

Sal: Okay, cool... See you there :)


You brush off Sal's ominous text as you set your phone down onto your couch and slip your work shoes on. You feel dread fall heavy on your shoulders as you stand up, grabbing your phone and your bag. You give Laika a quick goodbye as you walk out of your apartment, locking the door behind you.


Finally arriving at the restaurant, you walk through the doors and immediately hear sighs of relieve from a few of your fellow servers as they spotted you. Never a good sign. You dare to take a look around the dining area and it's already packed.


"Y/N! Thank God you're here! We need help running food." Your coworker, Hunter, says frantically.

"Okay, just give me a second." You say and quickly moved over to the computers to clock in and set your stuff down at the server station. With that, your insufferable shift starts and you're on the move.


Around eight at night is when everything finally started to slow down. You, Hunter, and your other server buddy, Jenna, all rest by the server station, polishing silverware fresh from the dishwasher.

"Man today was fucking insane." Hunter complained, a whiny tone in his voice. "I'm quitting."

"Don't you fucking dare." Jenna grumbled in response before looking over at you. "You're awfully quiet."

You glance up from the butter knife you were polishing and give a smile to Jenna. "I'm just tired." you simply explain, receiving a nod from Jenna in return. You were about to speak again before you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn to the source of the sudden contact and meet eyes with the host.

"Hey, Y/N. Table 28 requested you. Four people." She said with a smile. "Is that alright?"

You give a smile back and nodded. "Yeah, thanks." You say. Your feet started to hurt a little more than usual. As you set your polished knife down, you make your way around the restaurant, scooping up a pitcher of water as you walk towards the table. Not even a few meters away, you see Larry, watching you with a shit eating grin.

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