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Third Person P.O.V.

"Mmm." Jack moans as he starts to wake up. His eyes flutter open as he sees a ceiling. He then notes that he feels something on him. He lifts himself up as he then sees that he is covered by a thick fluffy blanket. He sits up but groans, closing his eyes as feels a headache come on. He lays back down and he feels his head hit a comfortable pillow. He holds a hand to his head to soothe the pain. He rubs his forehead then he hears footsteps and opens his eyes as moves to sit up. It was then he saw a young woman with shiny (S/C) skin enter the room with a mug in her hands.

Her (H/C) hair was held back by a (F/C) (Favorite color) bandana along with wearing a red shirt and black leggings. When she looked at him, her eyes widen as she sees that he is awake. "Oh! Hi. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Just have some tea to help you warm up." She says, grabbing a chair and dragging it. She sits in it as she presents the mug to Jack.

Jack looks at her with wide shocked eyes. He looks into her (E/C) eyes and sees that she is looking at him. He breathes deeply, "Can... Can you see me?" He asks her. (Y/N) blinks in confusion. She glances away briefly then looks back at him. "Yes." She answers. Jack then moves to face her as she then tilts her head a little. Jack then holds his head as he feels another headache but then he jerks it away as he had felt warm. Warm? Jack does not become warm. He then looks at his hand as he sees that it is not as pail. He then feels his chest and gasps as he feels a heart beating.

This is not right. Jack then start to hyperventilate and the woman place the mug on the desk as she notices. "Hey, hey. It's okay." She says softly to him. But Jack began to panic and the woman then gently held his face in her hands and guides his face to look at her. "Breathe." She says, inhaling deeply to help him. Jack then calms down as he copies her, albeit shuttering a bit. Then the woman exhales slowly and Jack copies her.

They do it a few more times until Jack feels his heart beat at a steady pace. He feels the warmth radiating from the woman's hands and it was soothing. "I'm going to remove my hands now." She says then slowly removes her hands from Jack's face. Jack looks at her and sees her with a concern face. "Are you okay?" She asks. Jack takes a moment to gather his thoughts the he swallows some spit. "Yeah.... Yeah, I'm good." He responds, his voice sounding a little hoarse.

The woman smiles, "Okay." She then grabs the mug, the tea still hot. "Here. This should help." She offers. Jack looks at the mug then her and sees her smiling softly at him. He then takes the mug as he holds it in his hands. "I'm (Y/N). What's your name?" She asks. Jack looks up at her as she asked that. He then looks down as thinks for a moment. Then he looks into her eyes, "I'm Jack."

(Okay, I hope you like this chapter. Comment if you want more and I'll see what I can do.)

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