What Happened?

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(Okay, I have been writing a lot so I'm gonna take a break. Hope you enjoy this chapter.)

After introducing each other and getting over some awkwardness. Jack now stood in the bathroom as he looks at himself in the mirror. He was given a change of clothes by (Y/N), which were her brother's old clothes, after he took a shower, and it was an experience that was both relieving and confusing, and now he stood in grey sweatpants and a baggy black shirt with a logo that had an AC/DC logo on it. He holds a hand to his face as he continues looks at himself in the mirror.

Jack's P.O.V.

How is this possible? I grab a strand of my hair and see that it is brown. How? I look at the mirror and see brown eyes look back at me instead of my usual blue ones. "How?" I close my eyes and hold onto the sink. How can I be human again? "Think, Jack. Think." I tell myself. I remember how I was flying around, made a pits stop in Burgess, had a snowball fight with Jamie and his friend, then I was off.

Just the usual stuff. But then I remember Northern Lights and head off to the North Pole. I met with the other guardians, messed with Bunnymund, *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* I jumped, opening my eyes and looking at the door. "Hey. Are you okay? You have been in there for a while. You okay?" I hear (Y/N). I take a few deep breaths, "Yeah. I'm good." I look back at myself then breathe deeply. I walk to the door, grabbed the knob and turned it. I exit the bathroom and I see (Y/N) standing there. She wore blue fuzzy pj pants and a baggy t-shirt with a cute tiger on it.

"Hey. So, I made some soup. It's waiting on the desk beside the couch. And I cleaned it while you were showering. But it just needed to be dried." She says. I give her a thankful smile then follow her as we get back to the living room. I look around and it was nice. A bit of a rustic style. I sit back on the couch and see (Y/N) pick up the bowl of soup. She gives it to me and I place it on my lap. I take the spoon that was in there and scoop some of it and place it in my mouth. "Ow! Hot!" I fan my mouth. I hear a snort and look to see (Y/N) cover her mouth.

She breathes deeply, "Sorry. Sorry. I should have mentioned that it was just made so it's hot." She apologizes. I give her a playful glare then sigh. "It's okay." She went I got me some water and I take it. I slowly sip it and place it on the desk. Man, this is weird. I grab the spoon and scoop up some more soup but I make sure to blow it a little first. It was a lot more bearable the second time and it was good now that my tongue wasn't burned.

It was quiet as I drank the soup. I can't even remember when I needed to eat. Being a spirit, uh-was a spirit, I didn't need to eat or drink. It was more of a luxury than a necessity. After I finished, (Y/N) took the bowl and soup and went to wash them. I sit in silence as I rub my hands. I breathe in and out, getting use to having a mortal human body again was something I didn't think was possible. "Hey." I look over to see (Y/N) sitting in a chair on my right. "So, for the record, the nearest hospital was pretty far but it seems that you are okay. Though, how did you end up int the middle of the woods in the first place?" She asks me. I look down at my feet as I try to remember.

North said something about a....something and we had to find it and contain it. I remember flying through the skies until I got hit by this massive ball of light. And then I woke up and here. But I can't tell that to (Y/N) would think I'm crazy. Best play it safe until I can get back to normal. "I.... I was walking around. Enjoy nature. I guess I got a little lost then I heard a loud noise. I ran a little to get some distance but I ended up tripping and must have hit my head." I tell her. I look to see that she is looking at me with those (E/C) eyes and I feel myself start to get nervous. I mean, it's not the most convincing but what else was I suppose to tell her?

"Okay. But you probably should have worn something a little more than just a hoodie and without shoes." She replies. I mentally sigh in relief. "Yeah. But I'm not big on shoes. And the cold doesn't really bother me." I respond, giving her a small smile. She smiles back. "All right. So, is there anyone you need me to contact?" She asks. Shoot. "I actually don't have a phone." I reply. "Seriously?" She asks. "Yeah." I look away from her, scratching the back of my head. I hope the other guardians find me soon. This is going to be something.

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